
Genetics and Heredity - Unit 2 Review Answer Key

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General Genetics

What combination of alleles does someone need for a recessive allele to be expressed (seen) in their phenotype?

Two recessive alleles for that trait


The passing of genes from parents to offspring is known as...



The genetic code for a trait that is made up of two alleles inherited from the parents is known as the ______________.



How many total chromosomes are the in a normal human cell?



How many nucleotides create one codon and what do codons code for?

Three and they code for amino acids

Genetic Crosses

Who is the "father of genetics" who experimented with pea plants to discover how traits are inherited?

Gregor Mendel


If you cross a red flower and a white flower and the offspring is pink, this is probably an example of ____________________ dominance.



Green seeds are dominant to yellow seeds in pea plants.  A heterozygous green-seeded plant is crossed with a homozygous green-seeded plant.  What is the probability of the offpring being homoygous dominant?  (Create a Punnett Square to help determine the correct answer)



We will use the letters "R" and "r" to represent the alleles trait for rabbit face shape, round is dominant (R) and narrow is recessive(r)  What is the only genotype in which the rabbit's phenotype will be a narrow face?



Create a Punnet Square to answer the following question:


If orange beaks are dominant to red beaks in a certain species of bird and you cross a homozygous dominant bird with a heterzygous bird, what is the probability that the offspring will have orange beaks?


Blood Type

What are the alleles for blood type?

A, B, O


The alleles A and B for blood type are ________________________ , but type O is recessive to both A and B. 



If a person's phenotype for blood type is A and they are heterozygous, what is their genotype?



What is a person's genotype if their phenotype for blood type is O.  



Make a Punnett Square to answer this question:


If your mom's genotype for blood type is AO and your dad's genotype is BO, what is the probability that your blood type phenotype will be type O?



How many different nucleotides are there in DNA?



Name the DNA nucleotide base pairs. (You must say the full name of each nucleotide and explain which nucleotides form base pairs. 

Adenine and Thymine


Guanine and Cytosine


What did the red licorice represent in our DNA models? (Be specific)

Deoxyribose sugar backbone of DNA


What is the complimentary RNA strand for this DNA sequence: AATTTCCTG



List 3 ways that RNA is different from DNA.

  • It is a single strand
  • It has the nucleotide Uracil instead of Thymine
  • It has a sugar backbone made of ribose instead of deoxyribose
  • It can leave the cell nucleus to carry the DNA code to the ribosome for protein synthesis
Random Mix

Where are the chromosomes found within a cell?

The nucleus


Which blood type is the "Universal Donor"? 



What does the prefix "hetero" mean? Also, give an example of a heterozygous genotype.





If this family pedigree shows individuals that are affected by a recessive genetic disease, which individuals have a homozygous recessive genotype?

family pedigree

Curtis, Max, Donna


What are 2 different ways that that a person can aquire a mutation that is not inherited from thier parents?

  • During DNA replication, a nucleotide or nucleotides can be added, deleted, or changed
  • Exposure to enviromental factors such as UV radiation from the sun, or chemicals such as asbestos, formaldehyde, and some pesticides
Final Question

Describe what happens during the processes of transcription and translation and identify where each process takes place.

trancription and translation