
EOC STARR Review - American Identity Answer Key

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#1 This document was written by Thomas Jefferson and establishes your unalienable rights What is the Declaration of Independence
#2 These are the First Ten Amendments to the Constitution What is the Bill of Rights
#3 The President of the United States What is the Executive Branch
#4 The Supreme Court of the United States What is the Judicial Branch
#5 The Senate and House of Representatives of the United States What is the Legislative Branch
#1 Founding Father who wrote the Declaration of Independence Who is Thomas Jefferson
#2 Founding Father who is known for his signature of the Declaration of Independence Who is John Hancock
#3 Founding Father who wrote the Federalist Papers and was the First Supreme Court Justice Who is John Jay
#4 Founding Father who was an abolitionist and supporter of educating women Who is Benjamin Rush
#5 Frenchman who wrote Democracy in America Who is Alexis de Tocqueville
Alexis de Tocqueville's Five Values
#1 Freedom or the power to choose What is Liberty
#2 Self-interest; people have different backgrounds and experiences What is Indivdualism
#3 Equality in society and politics or no social classes What is Egalitarianism
#4 Minimal government regulation of business and the economy What is Laissez-faire
#5 Promote the interest of the common people What is Populism
Bill of Rights
#1 Freedom of Speech, Press, Assembly, Religion, and Petition What is the First Amendment
#2 Right to bear arms What is the Second Amendment
#3 Right to a speedy trial, trial by jury, and counsel (lawyer) What is Sixth Amendment
#4 Protection from cruel and unusual punishment What is the Eighth Amendment
#5 Protection from search and seizure What is the Fourth Amendment
#1 Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness What is unalienable rights
#2 Latin for "out of many one" What is E Pluribus Unum
#3 Right to remain silent and establishes eminent domain What is the Fifth Amendment
#4 Government run by representatives elected by the people whose job it is to uphold the Constitution What is a Constitutional Republic
#5 Supreme Court's ability to determine whether laws are constitutional or not What is Judicial Review
Final Question