
Chapter 25 Jeopardy 8th grade Answer Key

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Section 1
#1 What day did the stock market crash? October 29th, 1929.
#2 A short term depression is known as? A recession
#3 How did Hoover campaign against Roosevelt? He said that if Americans relied on the government, they wouldn't have to rely just on themselves to survive.
#4 What was the problem with European countries during the Great Depression? They couldn't afford American products and with tariffs so high they were unable to sell their product within the U.S
#5 What did stockholders plan on doing when they bought stocks? Borrow the money from a lender, sell it higher than they purchased, pay back the loan, and keep the rest as revenue.
Section 2
#1 The most famous line in Roosevelt's inauguration speech was? 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.'
#2 Provided aid from the government to help those who are elderly, disabled, and unemployed. Social Security Act
#3 How was Roosevelt's court packing plan controversial? He wanted to appoint justices who would agree with him on his New Deal legislation policies and try to change the balance of power.
#4 Who did the CIO bring into unions that other unions would not? Women, African Americans, Hispanics, and immigrants.
#5 How did Huey Long layout his idea for the New Deal? He wanted to tax the rich and in turn that money would help the poor.
Section 3
#1 Where were many citizens moving to during the Dust Bowl? California.
#2 How were Mexican immigrants impacted by the Great Depression? Many were deported due to labor unions and their impact on the government.
#3 What did Eleanor Roosevelt push for in her husband's recovery programs? She just for equal rights for all U.S citizens
#4 How did soil conservationists help during the Dust Bowl? They encouraged farmers to use grass to help hold the soil in place and plant trees to help keep the wind from blowing the soil away.
#5 How did Roosevelt keep up with the American people? He spoke to them in his fireside chats and let the citizens know weekly updates on what was going on in the U.S
Any section part 1
#1 What happened to children during the Great Depression? Many were forced to work and as a result they couldn't attend school and had to teach themselves.
#2 How were African Americans impacted by the Great Depression? Many were passed over for jobs by Whites.
#3 What two New Deal programs were African Americans able to find work in? The CCC and the WPA
#4 What were citizens worried about most in terms of banks after Roosevelt passed the Banking Relief Act? Were the banks a safe place to deposit money?
#5 How did Charles Coughlin differ from Huey Long on his stance on the New Deal? He wanted the government to take over everything. And that included resources and wealth.
Any section part 2
#1 What did people turn to in terms of entertainment during the Great Depression? Movies, Radio, and Music.
#2 When did the Great Depression end? Right before the United States entered World War 2.
#3 What are the only two programs that are left from the New Deal? Social Security and the FDIC
#4 What did Roosevelt provide farmers with? Loans and a promise to stabilize prices. He also had soil conservationists develop programs to ensure that a dust bowl would never occur again.
#5 How did the U.S recover from depressions and recession prior to 1929? They followed the business cycle.
Final Question
What two programs of the New Deal were declared unconstitutional? NIRA and the AAA.