
Reproduction Grade 9 Answer Key

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#1 genotypes made of the same alleles homozygous
#2 gene that is expressed only in the homozygous state recessive
#3 DNA is called a _________________ because it was first found in the nucleus. nucleic acid
#4 ____________________ established the structure of DNA. Watson and Crick
#5 What are the sides of the DNA ladder composed of? sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate
Mitosis and Meiosis
#1 What happens during Prophase I in meiosis? Chromosomes coil and become visible, spindle forms and crossing over occurs
#2 Apoptosis is when: A cell destroys itself
#3 What happens during Metaphase II in meiosis? Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell in single file
#4 Mitosis occurs when… a body cell makes as exact duplicate of itself
#5 New body cells are produced by the process of…. mitosis
Reproduction in Plants and Animals
#1 Give an example of sexual reproduction in plants self pollination or cross pollination
#2 Give an example of asexual reproduction in plants budding, grafting, binary fission, spore production, fragmentation, vegetative reproduction
#3 What are the 4 types of sexual reproduction in animals? internal cross-fertilization, external cross-fertilization, hermaphroditic cross-fertilization, hermaphroditic self-fertilization
#4 What are the 2 types of asexual reproduction in animals? budding and parthenogenesis
#5 What are the two main types of reproduction in animals? Asexual and sexual reproduction
Human Reproduction
#1 What do the testes do? Responsible for sperm production
#2 What do the Vas deferens do? Muscular tube that carries sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct
#3 What do the Ovaries do? Responsible for the hormone and ovum production
#4 What do the Uterus do? Hollow muscular organ responsible for the development of the embryo and fetus
#5 What do the Endometrium do? Lining for the uterus
#1 What do the Prostate gland do? Secretes fluid that nourishes and protects sperm
#2 What is an example of an animal that reproduces through parthenogenesis? Some vertebrates
#3 What is an example of an animal that reproduces through internal cross-fertilization? Most mammals
#4 Anaphase is the ____ step in mitosis 3rd
#5 gene that is almost always expressed dominant gene
Final Question
In humans, free-ear lobes are dominant to attached ear lobes. Two parents that are both heterozygous free are expecting a child. What are the chances that the child will have attached ear lobes? 25%