
Civil Rights 2018 Answer Key

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Law Makers and Breakers
#1 This Supreme Court case declared that separate but equal was constitutional. Plessy v. Ferguson
#2 This landmark civil rights legislation outlawed discrimination based on race. Civil Rights Act of 1964
#3 This Supreme Court case declared that separate but equal was unconstitutional. Brown v. Board of Education
#4 The Voting Rights Act of 1965 identified______ throughout the South known to have kept blacks from registering to vote. counties
#5 The N.C. legislature voted unanimously on the Federal Civil Rights laws. Were they for or against? against
Make it Non-Violent
#1 The most famous sit-in occurred in this N.C. city Greensboro (Woolworths)
#2 Name 3 ways to protest in a non-violent manner other than a sit-in Boycott, march, write a letter, petition with signatures...
#3 The Freedom Riders were a diverse group. How were they diverse? Race, gender, religious affiliation, age...
#4 Name 3 things you needed to do if you were going to become a Freedom Rider. Risk your life, train in non-violent resistance, leave school or your job...
#5 What are the 4 steps of a non-violent campaign? Fact gathering to determine that injustice has occurred, negotiation,self purification, and direct action
Power of the Pen
#1 Who was MLK, Jr. writing to from his cell in Birmingham? clergymen
#2 Why did King come to Birmingham from Atlanta? hotbed of injustice
#3 True or False? MLK, Jr. believed that time healed all injustice. False
#4 Which group was King most disappointed with? white moderate and clergy
#5 What did MLK, Jr. want for America? Equality and Brotherhood
Word Wall
#1 What does it mean to prosper? to have good fortune, success or wealth
#2 What does it mean to reform? to improve by removing faults
#3 True or False? Integration was a well organized and smooth process in the South. False
#4 A secret, racist organization whose purpose was to return political and social control to native whites. Ku Klux Klan
#5 State and local segregation laws enacted after the Reconstruction period. Jim Crow Laws
#1 What is injustice? answers will vary/unfair treatment under the law
#2 Give an example of a sacrifice made by a person involved in the Civil Rights Movement. Leaving school early, leaving family to travel, putting up with unfair treatment including physical harm without fighting back
#3 Identify an invention or innovation that affected North Carolinians. Cotton gin, Gatling gun, Bright leaf tobacco/ Answers will vary.
#4 List an invention and how it impacted the development of N.C. Railroads. Increased trade. Built cities. Connected communities. Answers will vary.
#5 How do people react to injustice? (3 ways) Violence, boycotting, anger/talking, marching, joining a movement. Answers will vary.
Final Question
Name a person from the Civil Rights Movement, other than MLK, Jr. and tell me what they contributed to the fight for justice. Ex: Rosa Parks. Boycotts hit the bus companies in the pocketbook which brought significant changes to the way they conducted business.