
Game 3 Answer Key

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#1 Which is the nearest star? the sun
#2 How many legs does a butterfly have? six
#3 What is H2O? water
#4 What is a habitat? a place where plants and animals live.
#5 Habitats can be classified into two. What are they water habitats and land habitats
#1 Which is bigger, a lake or an ocean? Ocean
#2 Which country has the most people? China
#3 What is the capital city of Norway? Oslo
#4 What is the biggest state in the U.S.A.? Alaska
#5 In which ocean is Hawaii? Pacific
#1 What sport is played at Wimbledon? Tennis
#2 In which country were the 2016 Olympic Games held? Brazil
#3 What country does the football player Mo Salah come from? Egypt
#4 What is the most popular indoor sport in the U.S.A.? Basketball
#5 Which famous golf player's mother comes from Thailand? Tiger Woods
General Knowledge
#1 How many years are there in a millennium? a thousand
#2 How many sides does a triangle have? three
#3 The Beatles music band featured how many members? Four
#4 What galaxy is Earth located in? The Milky Way
#5 Bees create what sweet substance? Honey
#1 How many strings does a violin have? four
#2 How many strings does a guitar usually have? six
#3 In what country did reggae music originate? Jamica
#4 How many instruments are there in a string quintet? Five
#5 What nationality was Mozart? Austrian
Final Question
If you have £5.00 and you buy 3 apples for £0.50 each and a bannana for £1.00, How much money do you have left? 250