
Game Answer Key

Play This Game


The plane took _________ at 10.55.

The plane took off at 10.55.


Take these chairs _________ - we don't need them

Take these chairs away - we don't need them


The firm was badly in need of restructuring when he took __________.

The firm was badly in need of restructuring when he took over.


He took __________ my address and phone number and said he'd phone back.

He took down my address and phone number and said he'd phone back.


The dentist has to take __________ this tooth.

The dentist has to take out this tooth.


The wedding has been put __________ until January.

The wedding has been put off until January.


It took two hours to put __________ the fire.

It took two hours to put out the fire.


My hands were cold, so I put __________ my gloves.

My hands were cold, so I put on my gloves.


When the children had finished playing with their toys, they put them__________.

When the children had finished playing with their toys, they put them away.


I try to put __________ a few pounds every week.

I try to put by a few pounds every week.


The shop is giving __________ a sample pack to every customer.

The shop is giving away a sample pack to every customer.


At the end of the lecture, the speaker gave __________ information sheets to the audience.

At the end of the lecture, the speaker gave out information sheets to the audience.


Has she given you those books __________ yet?

Has she given you those books back yet?


They were forced to give __________ their home because they couldn't pay the mortgage.

They were forced to give up their home because they couldn't pay the mortgage.


He nagged me so much for a new bike that I eventually gave __________.

He nagged me so much for a new bike that I eventually gave in.


When I was sent to prison, I really felt I had let my parents __________.

When I was sent to prison, I really felt I had let my parents down.


She opened the door and let me __________.

She opened the door and let me in.


Instead of a prison sentence, they were let _________ with a fine.

Instead of a prison sentence, they were let off with a fine.


I heard a voice from the cupboard shouting "Let me _________!"

I heard a voice from the cupboard shouting "Let me out!"


My trousers shrank in the wash so I let them _________.

My trousers shrank in the wash so I let them down.


We look _________ the neighbour's cat while they're away.

We look after the neighbour's cat while they're away.


Can you look _________my essay sometime?

Can you look at my essay sometime?


The police have warned shopkeepers to look _________ for forged notes.

The police have warned shopkeepers to look out for forged notes.


Would you quickly look _________ these figures for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?

Would you quickly look over these figures for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?


If you don't know what the word means, look it _________  in the dictionary.

If you don't know what the word means, look it up in the dictionary.

Final Question

My First Flight Experience


It was my first flight in my entire life and I was sitting in the aisle seat on the plane. I was so fascinated by my surroundings and I saw a lot of people with their luggage trying to put them in the overhead bin. It was raining quite hard and I was a bit afraid that my flight was suddenly _________________ due to the bad weather. I didn't want to __________my pen pal ____________because I had already promised my pen pal in Australia to come to visit her during my summer vacation. Suddenly, there was a pregnant woman who asked if she could sit on the aisle seat instead because she was afraid that she might have to go to the toilet often and she didn't want to disturb me. I _________________ to her request and sat on the window seat. I could see the rain and the ground clearly. Finally, the plane started taxiing and _________________. My ears and sinuses suddenly felt strange. At last, I decided to _________________ my eye mask and tried to sleep. 

My First Flight Experience


It was my first flight in my entire life and I was sitting in the aisle seat on the plane. I was so fascinated by my surroundings and I saw a lot of people with their luggage trying to put them in the overhead bin. It was raining quite hard and I was a bit afraid that my flight was suddenly put off due to the bad weather. I didn't want to let my pen pal down because I had already promised my pen pal in Australia to come to visit her during my summer vacation. Suddenly, there was a pregnant woman who asked if she could sit on the aisle seat instead because she was afraid that she might have to go to the toilet often and she didn't want to disturb me. I gave in to her request and sat on the window seat. I could see the rain and the ground clearly. Finally, the plane started taxiing and took off. My ears and sinuses suddenly felt strange. At last, I decided to put on my eye mask and tried to sleep.