
Expository Writing Jeopardy! Answer Key

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Expository Writing
#1 What are the three main parts of an expository essay? Introduction, 3 bodies, and conclusion
#2 What must be stated in the closing of an expository essay? Restate your thesis and main ideas
#3 What is the general purpose of expository writing? To convey and communicate information, presenting
#4 What must be included in an introductory paragraoh of an expository essay? Thesis statement and three main ideas
#5 What is one main difference between the structure of expository writing and narrative writing? Narrative writing is not as formulaic or structured as expository; Narrative writing is fictional while expository is more informational; Narrative writing uses fiction techniques such as plot, characters, and setting while expository does not; the purpose of narrative writing is to tell a story while the purpose of expository writing is to convey information.
Writing Prompts
#1 What should you do at the very end of a timed writing prompt period? Proofread and edit
#2 What is the instrument called that is used to grade a writing prompt for a test? A rubric
#3 What types of paragraphs should you include in an expository prompt? Introduction, 3 bodies, and conclusion
#4 What is one way you can plan a response to different writing prompts? Make a list, outline, concept map, or graphically organize
#5 Name the four writing prompts you saw yesterday in our lesson. Personal Narrative, Poem, Speculative, and Expository
Mechanics and Additonal Elements of Writing
#1 What are two transitional words or phrases? Any words from the 'Young Authors List of Transitions' worksheet.
#2 Why are transitions important to include in your writing? These words or phrases help bring two ideas together and bridges the gap between the ideas smoothly.
#3 Name two types of ‘mechanics’ you should pay attention to when editing your writing. Spelling, punctuation, or grammar
#4 What are two main idea sentence starters? Anything from the 'Main Idea Sentence Starters' worksheet.
#5 Name one of the 5 golden bricks that can be used in your writing. Give an example. Quote, statistic, amazing fact, anecdote, or descriptive segment.
Informal Outline
#1 What is the graphic organizer called that we used throughout the unit? Expository Writing Pillar
#2 What is the very first thing you do before creating an outline? Hint: It is the first step in the writing process. Brainstorm
#3 After you brainstorm, what do you do next in the expository pillar? Create a topic or thesis statement.
#4 After you create a topic or thesis statement, what do you do? Create three main ideas.
#5 After you create three main ideas, what two things come next? Add supporting details to the main ideas and a conclusion.
Juicy Adjectives and Golden Bricks
#1 Name three juicy adjectives to replace the word 'great.' Exceptional, phenomenal, fantastic, terrific, etc.
#2 Name three juicy adjectivs to replace 'funny.' hysterical, hilarious, humorous
#3 Name this Golden Brick: '70% of college students own a car.' statistic
#4 Name this Golden Brick: 'This reminds me of one sunny summer day when I spent the whole day playing outside with my friends.' anecdote
#5 Name this Golden Brick: 'There are only 30-60 amur leopards left in the entire world!' amazing fact
Final Question
Sing the chorus of the expository writing song. Hint: The chorus are the lines that repeat. We use expository writing to explain. Provide the reader with some information. Use examples from your main idea. Introduction, three bodies, and conclusion.