
self-esteem jeopardy Answer Key

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Self-esteem definition
#1 True or False, self esteem is how we feel about our looks False
#2 Self esteem involves how you _ _ _ _ about your _ _ _ _ Self esteem involves how you feel about yourself
#3 self-esteem also includes how we feel about our F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , abilities, and Fr_ _ _ _ _ self-esteem includes how we feel about our families, abilities, and freinds
#4 What are the two types of self-esteem? High and Low
#5 How do people affect our self-esteem they can add to or take away from it
What self-esteem is made of
#1 One thing that helps shape our self esteem is our E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ experiences
#2 Another thing that helps shape our self-esteem is our r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ relationships
#3 What experience would make someone think they CANT pass their math test Teachers will judje answer
#4 What experience would make someone think they CAN Teachers will judge answer
#5 Name 2 people that help shape your self-esteem parents, teachers, friends, counselor, relatives, etc.
effects of high self esteem/people with high self-esteem
#1 True or False, people with high self-esteem like to meet new people Tue
#2 People with high self-esteem aren't afraid to _ _ _ _ _ their ideas. share
#3 Do you want to be around someone with high-self esteem? Why? yes, why?-teachers will judge answer
#4 True or False, people with High-self esteem have courage true!
#5 give an example of what someone with high-self esteem does in class raise hands, helps others, asks questions,etc.
effects of low self-esteem/people with low self-esteem
#1 They Don't B_ _ _ _ _ _ in themselves believe
#2 They see themselves F_ _ _ _ _ g before they begin failing
#3 True or False, people with low self -esteem try a lot of new things False, why?
#4 Why do people with low self-esteem spend a lot of time alone? they worry a lot, think others will judge them, etc.
#5 True or Fale, People with low self esteem complain a lot True. why?
steps to high self-esteem
#1 F_ _ _ _ _ _ yourself for past mistakes forgive
#2 Use positive self-_ _ _ _ talk, thoughts,etc.
#3 How do you improve on your abilities or things you are good at? practice
#4 learning _ _ _ things can help you find your talents! new
#5 Personal ____________ plays a role in our self-esteem hygiene
Final Question
Can you help others to have high self-esteem? How? give compliments,