
7th grade Social Studies CRCT Review Answer Key

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Middle East
#1 The organization who determines how much petroeum is produced and what the price will be What is the Organization of Petroleum Exporters?
#2 This links Egypt with Mediterrranean Sea, Red Sea, and Indian Ocean What is the Suez canal?
#3 The name for the group of people who are called the 'desert nomads' who live and survive along the desert's edge Who are the Bedouins?
#4 The Kurdish-speaking ethnic group who live in the mountainous areas and do not have their own homeland or government Who are the Kurds?
#5 A waterway where oil is shipped out of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Iran What is the Persian Gulf?
#1 the holy river located in India What is the Ganges?
#2 the person who helped India gain its independece from the British in a nonviolent way Who was Mohandas Gandhi?
#3 the communist leader who helped Vietnam gain their independence from France Who was Ho Chi Minh?
#4 Mao Zedong's program that caused famine in China because the farmers did not own anything and had no reason to work very hard What was the Great Leap Forward?
#5 the place where over 10,000 Chinese college protestors for democracy were shot at and many arrested by the Chinese military Where was Tiananmen Square?
#1 the culture that developed on the eastern coast of Africa which was a result of the Arabs intermarrying the Bantu Who were the Swahili?
#2 the money or gift that is given by the groom to the bride and her parents common in Kenya What is a dowry?
#3 the main reason that Sudan has not made progress in education and overall success for the country What was the civil war?
#4 the South African president who worked for the release of Nelson Mandela Who was Willem de Klerk?
#5 the movement to get all Africans around the world to work together for the end of European control and to improve each country's economy What was Pan-African Movement?
#1 the group of Muslims who thought leadership should go to whoever was most able to be a good leader to keep the community together Who are the Sunni Muslims?
#2 the religion that began in Mecca, Saudi Arabi that teaches all followers should make a hajj to that city once on their lifetime What is Islam?
#3 the country that was founded in 1948 as the homeland for the Jews and most of the citizens today are still Jewish Where is Israel?
#4 a philosophy that taught that the key to peace and social order was for people to behave with good character and virtue What was Confucianism?
#5 one of the oldest religions in the world whose followers believe that some animals are sacred What is Hinduism?
#1 the type of ecomony where the economic decisions are made by the government planners What is command economy?
#2 the term for 'government by the few' where people of the country have little choice with the decisions made by the government What is oligarchy?
#3 the type of government that is divided into local governments only with no national government What is Confederation?
#4 the type of government that is run by one central government such as Japan or it could be run by one central person such as a dictator What is unitary?
#5 the name of the two-house parliament (or legislature) in Japan What is the Diet?
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