
Cold War America - 1940s-70s Answer Key

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#1 This policy by George Kennan suggested how the U.S. handle communism. Containment
#2 The Truman Doctrine focused on this area of the world, while the Eisenhower Doctrine focused on this part of the world. Greece, Turkey; Middle East
#3 The Dixiecrats were an important part of the 1948 election. Why? white supremacists that won some electoral votes
#4 Which of these places did the CIA not intervene in the 1950s? Iran, Philippines, Guatemala, East Germany East Germany
#5 Eisenhower policies toward Native Americans reflected this infamous 1887 law Dawes Severalty Act
#1 The purpose of Freedom Summer in 1964 Mississippi register black voters
#2 The three "p's" that led to some of the upheavals of the 1960s population bulge, prosperity, protest
#3 Which of these policies did Kennedy not pursue: tax cut, Trade Expansion Act, flexible response, medicare, New Freedom medicare
#4 The U-2 incident aborted this scheduled event Meeting between USSR and U.S. in Paris
#5 The reason why Kennedy seemed unable to get his legislative programs passed. Weak electoral results, opposition in Congress
#1 The results of the Cuban Missile Crisis Khrushchev out, U.S. not invade Cuba, missiles out of Cuba and Turkey, military buildup of USSR
#2 As a reaction against the "red scare" of the 1950s, Attorney General Robert Kennedy turned the attention of the FBI to this. stopping organized crime
#3 Reasons for the feminist revival in the 1960s Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique, sexism in liberal movements, employment discrimination
#4 The Nixon Doctrine stated this. financial and moral aid to nations fighting communism, but not soldiers
#5 As a challenger in the 1968 Democratic primary to Lyndon Johnson, Eugene McCarthy's main issue was this. The war in Vietnam
#1 The cause of the 1973-74 oil embargo U.S. support for Israel in 1973 Arab-Israeli War
#2 The "White House Tapes" revealed this about Nixon and Watergate. He knew about the cover-up.
#3 In his "Malaise" speech, President Carter suggested this. The American people lacked faith in themselves and their government
#4 "One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind" describes this event. America landing on the moon
#5 The SALT I agreement specifically did this. Limited anti-ballistic missiles of the U.S. and U.S.S.R.
Grab Bag!!!
#1 True or false: The skepticism about authority that emerged in the U.S. in the 1960s was a new phenomena in American History False
#2 Eisenhower's greatest asset as President was what? The love and adoration of the U.S. public
#3 NSC-68 was controversial because it called for this. a massive military buildup
#4 France opposed the involvement of this country in Europe in the early 1960s. America!!!
#5 The Pentagon Papers revealed secrets about this. America's secret escalation of the war in Vietnam
Final Question
This person is considered largely responsible for kindling the ethnic pride of Mexican-Americans in the 1960s Cesar Chavez