
JMJ Associates Launch Dinner Game Answer Key

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#1 Star of the Hannah Montana TV show and daughter of one-hit wonder Billy Ray Who is Miley Cyrus?
#2 Her name is very similar to her mother's, Ivana, ex-wife of real estate mogul Who is Ivanka Trump?
#3 Mustached star of Smokey and the Bandit and The Longest Yard Who is Burt Reynolds?
#4 This famous singer and dancer born in 1932 is also mother to Carrie Fisher Who is Debbie Reynolds?
#5 Director of 'A Clockwork Orange,' 'Full Metal Jacket,' and 'The Shining,' his only Oscar came for visual effects on '2001: A Space Odyssey.'.' Who is Stanley Kubrick?
JMJ Trivia
#1 These are JMJ locations around the world What is Doha, Durban, Singapore, London, Austin, Perth
#2 Name three Singapore office staff Who are Loretta Low, Effin Ang, etc
#3 This well-dressed man's office is furthest North at corporate. Who is Paul Salomon?
#4 This is our shortest founder. Who is Joseph Freidman?
#5 This is the year we moved into 8310 N. Capital of Texas When is 2005?
#1 The month when the attack on Pearl Harbor took place December
#2 This was the site of the USA's worst nuclear accident, in 1979 What is Three Mile Island?
#3 This is the year JFK was assassinated 1963
#4 This city's Games were the scene of a terrorist attack by Palestinian guerrillas Munich
#5 From this country was the Titanic launched Ireland
Mr. Mark Guest
#1 The city where Mark and his wife live Round Rock
#2 Mark's favorite college football team UT
#3 This Houston-based company is where Mark worked before JMJ Associates. What is Kellogg, Brown, and Root
#4 The year Mark joined JMJ 2002
#5 This is the number of children Mark and Jeannie have. 4
Ms. Billy Gibbons
#1 Not famous for witch trials, this is the city where Billy lives now. Salem, OR
#2 Though not the more famous Connery and Hewett, these are her sons' names Who are Sean and Will?
#3 This is where Billy got her undergrad degree in Org psych What is Western Oregon University?
#4 This name is why we call her Billy. What is Wilhette?
#5 This is Billy's favorite pasttime Soccer
Final Question
This is JMJ's final sales in 2010 within $1million? What is ~$50 million