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Instant Jeopardy Review is designed for live play with as many individuals or teams as you like! Each team will need to enter the Join Code above. Teams choose a question, then try to give the best answer.

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Area Perimeter Volume Conversions ?
10 10 10 10 10
20 20 20 20 20
30 30 30 30 30
40 40 40 40 40
50 50 50 50 50
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Find the area of a rectangle with a height of 5cm and a width of 3cm

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Find the area of the shape below:

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Find the area of the triangle:

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Find the surface area:

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Find the surface area:

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Find the perimeter

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Find the perimeter:

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Find the perimeter:

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Find the perimeter:


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Find the perimeter:

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Find the volume:

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Find the volume:

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Find the volume:

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Find the volume:

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Find the volume:


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9.6 dm= ______ cm

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How many meters are in a kilometer?

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Write 5cm in mm and dm

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Write the following in mm, cm and m



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Write the following in mm, cm, dm and km



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The perimeter of a desk is 1.4m. How long might each side be?

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Draw 3 different parallelograms with an area of 18 cm

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Sketch a triangle with an area of 6 square units

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Find the surface area and volume:

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Find the surface area and volume of the shape below:

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60 inches



20 inches







108 inches

 720 cm³ 

960 cm


1000 m

50mm and .5 dm

1100mm, 110 cm and 1.1 m

1000mm, 100cm, 10dm and 0.001 km

Sample answer: 1.4 / 2 = 0.7, 0.7 = 0.3 +0.4

6 x 3, 18 x 1, 2 x 9

Answers will vary

Surface Area: 160cm , Volume= 100cm

Surface Area= 240cm, Volume= 144cm

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