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Scientific Method Geosphere Atmosphere Hydrosphere Weather
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What is the first step in the scientific method?

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What are the two words that every hypothesis must have in it?

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What are the three types of variables you need to have in every experiment?

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What is the dependent variable in every experiment?

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What is the name of the point you would use to measure liquid in a graduated cylinder?

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What type of rock formation is this?

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What is the name given for the process of Earth's crust layer being in constant motion?

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What is the name of the supercontinent that is theorized to have existed long ago when all of the Earth's land was together forming one large land mass?

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When tectonic plates interact with one another, what are the three ways they can move in relation to each other?

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What is the name of the location in the Pacific ocean where the tectonic plates edge is the location of most earthquakes and volcanoes in the world?

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What layer of the atmosphere does weather occur in?

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In the troposphere, as you move to higher elevations, does the temperature increase or decrease?

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What is the term used to describe the constant motion of hot air rising and cold air sinking?

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What are 2 reasons that planes fly in the stratosphere?

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Why is the gas OZone important to life on Earth?

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What is the name for the never ending water cycle?

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What is the name for the process of liquid water turning into water vapor?

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What is the name used to describe water vapor turning into liquid water?

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Name one thing that you need in order for water vapor to turn into liquid water?

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When water evaporates, why does it move up?

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It is a sunny, cloudless day.  How would you describe the air pressure outside.

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What is the term used to describe water falling out of the sky?

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Name the 4 main types of precipitation.

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What weather condition do convection currents cause?

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What is humidity and what would you use to measure it?

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1. Independent Variable

2. Dependent Variable

3. Controls

The data you are collecting.



Plate Tectonics


1. Convergent

2. Divergent

3. Transform

The Ring of Fire


Decrease (it gets colder as you move up in the troposphere)

Convection currents

1. There are no clouds or weather.

2. There are no convection currents that cause wind. (it's a smooth ride)

It absorbs the sun's harmful rays so they don't reach the living things on Earth.

Hydrological Cycle



Cold temperature

Hot gases and liquids rise while cold ones sink due to density.  Hot gases and liquids are less dense than their colder ones causing the cold to sink and the hot to rise.

High Pressure


Rain, Snow, Sleet, Hail


Amount of water vapor in the air.  Hygrometer.

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