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Early People The Roman Empire The Roman Republic Christianity Roman Conquests
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The city of Rome was built among seven hills near the _________________ River.

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What twin babies were left by a river by a cruel Latin king? They would be raised, according to legend, by a she-wolf and found the city of Rome!

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These early settlers of northwestern Italy were heavily influenced by Greek culture; their kings would rule Rome for 100 years starting circa 500 B.C.E.

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A government that elects their leaders to represent them in an assembly.

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What were the judges of the Rome's Republic called________________?

View Answer What three continents did the Roman Empire occupy and exist in?

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A count of people controlled by Rome to make sure they paid their taxes was called a _____________.

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Name five main structures built in the city of Ancient Rome.

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Name the three members of the second triumvirate.

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What were the big two divisions in Rome's daily life?

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What were the responsibilities of an Aedile?

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What was the Roman Republic's name for its provincial governors?

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What two positions were the highest offices a Roman could hold in the republic?

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Who collected taxes for the Roman Republic?

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What job did Julius Caesar get once he invaded Rome in 46 B.C. and ended the democracy of the Roman Republic?

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Jesus' direct qoutations are called The_____________________.

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Why did the provincial governor of Judea put Jesus to death?

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The ancient Greek words chi and rho spell out what word?

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Why did Roman patricians fear the new Christian Religion?

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When the Roman empire split into two seperate east and west which one did Theodosius make Chistianity the new official religion replacing the old Gods of Olympus/ploytheism?

Please use the correct historical name of that half.

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What Carthaginian invaded Rome with war elephants(which all perished in the mountains called The Alps)?

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Why did Sulla's actions almost start a civil war (Roman v. Roman)?

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Who were the three members of Rome's first triumvirate?

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What kind of reaction did Caesar's proposal to become a permanent dictatorship cause from pro-democracy senators?

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Who won the battle to control Rome after Caesar's death?

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Tiber River.

Romulus and Remus


A republic.


Asia, Europe anImage result for asia europe and africa mapd Africa!


Image result for Roman Census

Circus Maximus Temple of Jupiter Pantheon Trajan's Tomb Aquaduct of Claudius Temple of Claudius Arch of Constantine Temple of Venus Colosseum Baths of Titus Forum

Image result for Ancient Rome

Marc Anthony, Octavian and Lepidus.

Image result for Antony Lepidus and Octavian

Patricians and Plebians

Image result for Roman Patricians and plebians

Controlled temples and Roman religion.

Image result for Roman Temples


Image result for +Roman Propraetors


Image result for +Roman Consuls


Image result for +Roman Quaestors


Image result for Julius Caesar Dictator of Rome


Image result for Beatitudes

The Propraetor Pilate thought he was a threat to Rome!

Image result for Jewish Rebellion against Rome


Image result for christos greek symbol for christ

Because it rejected the official religion polytheism by replacing it with monotheism

Image result for Roman Religion overthrown by Christians

�(Eastern) Byzintine Empire


Image result for Hannibal and his war elephants

He tried to keep the job of consul for more than six months...tried to become a dictator (consul for life).

Image result for Sulla

Crassus, Pompey and Caesar

Image result for Crassus Caesar and Pompeii

They killed him on the Ides of March in the Roman Senate, stabbing him to death.

Image result for Caesars assassination

Octavian (Augustus Caesar) defeated Marc Anthony and Cleopatra(at the naval battle of Actium in 31 B.C.E.

Image result for Battle of Actium

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