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Civil Rights 2018

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This Supreme Court case declared that separate but equal was constitutional.

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This landmark civil rights legislation outlawed discrimination based on race.

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This Supreme Court case declared that separate but equal was unconstitutional.

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The Voting Rights Act of 1965 identified______ throughout the South known to have kept blacks from registering to vote.

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The N.C. legislature voted unanimously on the Federal Civil Rights laws. Were they for or against?

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The most famous sit-in occurred in this N.C. city

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Name 3 ways to protest in a non-violent manner other than a sit-in

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The Freedom Riders were a diverse group. How were they diverse?

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Name 3 things you needed to do if you were going to become a Freedom Rider.

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What are the 4 steps of a non-violent campaign?

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Who was MLK, Jr. writing to from his cell in Birmingham?

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Why did King come to Birmingham from Atlanta?

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True or False? MLK, Jr. believed that time healed all injustice.

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Which group was King most disappointed with?

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What did MLK, Jr. want for America?

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What does it mean to prosper?

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What does it mean to reform?

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True or False? Integration was a well organized and smooth process in the South.

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A secret, racist organization whose purpose was to return political and social control to native whites.

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State and local segregation laws enacted after the Reconstruction period.

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What is injustice?

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Give an example of a sacrifice made by a person involved in the Civil Rights Movement.

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Identify an invention or innovation that affected North Carolinians.

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List an invention and how it impacted the development of N.C.

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How do people react to injustice? (3 ways)

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Plessy v. Ferguson
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Brown v. Board of Education
Greensboro (Woolworths)
Boycott, march, write a letter, petition with signatures...
Race, gender, religious affiliation, age...
Risk your life, train in non-violent resistance, leave school or your job...
Fact gathering to determine that injustice has occurred, negotiation,self purification, and direct action
hotbed of injustice
white moderate and clergy
Equality and Brotherhood
to have good fortune, success or wealth
to improve by removing faults
Ku Klux Klan
Jim Crow Laws
answers will vary/unfair treatment under the law
Leaving school early, leaving family to travel, putting up with unfair treatment including physical harm without fighting back
Cotton gin, Gatling gun, Bright leaf tobacco/ Answers will vary.
Railroads. Increased trade. Built cities. Connected communities. Answers will vary.
Violence, boycotting, anger/talking, marching, joining a movement. Answers will vary.

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