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Prefer the old Flash template? Switch now: Progressive Era Jeopardy Review Flash Version

Progressive Era

Progressivism Teddy Roosevelt Women in Public Life Taft Wilson
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This allowed for the popular, or direct, election of U.S. senators.

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A cause taken by the Women's Christian Temperance Union

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A term used to describe a journalist who exposed government abuses and big business corruption to the readers of mass circulation magazines and newspapers

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This reform governor and U.S. senator from Wisconsin made the railroad industry a major target

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This progressive championed the rights of women and children by moving into a settlement house, working as the Chief Inspector of Factories of Illinois, and helping to win passage of the Illinois Factory Act?

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This legislation put forth strict cleanliness requirements for meatpackers and created the program of federal meat inspection still used today.

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Roosevelt responded to this book by appointing a commission to investigate the meatpacking industry.

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This was the principle that guided Roosevelt's efforts to organize water projects to transform dry wilderness areas into agricultural areas.

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The legislation was used by Roosevelt to file 44 antitrust suits.

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This is what Roosevelt promised that the common people would receive.

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This amendment granted women the right to vote.

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This movement was given new strength by a growing number of college educated women

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What hastened the passage of woman's right to vote?

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An advocate for improving the lives of women and children that helped win the Illinois Factory Act

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NAWSA acronym stood for

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Roosevelt's successor was

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President Taft could not unify this party

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The Progressive Party later became known as this Party and was led by Teddy Roosevelt

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Tafts' support of this House Speaker split the Republican Party

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He was the head of the US Forest Service under Roosevelt, but was fired by Taft for disagreeing with Richard Ballinger

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The primary motivation for passing this Amendment was to replace revenue lost by repealing high tariffs

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This was intended as a replacement to provide revenue for the federal government, once high tariffs were repealed

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This was one of the most imprtant of Wilson's achievements and continues to serve as the basis for the nation's bankin system

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This agency was given the power to investigate unfair business practices and to investigate possible violations of regulatory statutes

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This act prohibited corporations from acquiring the stock of another if doing so would create a monopoly

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17th Amendment
Robert M. La Follette
Florence Kelley
Meat Inspection Act
The Jungle
Sherman Antitrust Act
Square Deal
19th Amendment
Suffrage movement
World War I
Florence Kelley
National American Woman Suffrage Association
William Howard Taft
The Republican Party
The Bull Moose Party
Joseph Cannon
Gifford Pinchot
16th Amendment
income tax
Federal Reserve System
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Clayton Antitrust Act

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