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Prefer the old Flash template? Switch now: self-esteem jeopardy Jeopardy Review Flash Version

self-esteem jeopardy

Self-esteem definition What self-esteem is made of effects of high self esteem/people with high self-esteem effects of low self-esteem/people with low self-esteem steps to high self-esteem
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True or False, self esteem is how we feel about our looks

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Self esteem involves how you _ _ _ _ about your _ _ _ _

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self-esteem also includes how we feel about our F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , abilities, and Fr_ _ _ _ _

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What are the two types of self-esteem?

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How do people affect our self-esteem

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One thing that helps shape our self esteem is our E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Another thing that helps shape our self-esteem is our r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

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What experience would make someone think they CANT pass their math test

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What experience would make someone think they CAN

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Name 2 people that help shape your self-esteem

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True or False, people with high self-esteem like to meet new people

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People with high self-esteem aren't afraid to _ _ _ _ _ their ideas.

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Do you want to be around someone with high-self esteem? Why?

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True or False, people with High-self esteem have courage

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give an example of what someone with high-self esteem does in class

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They Don't B_ _ _ _ _ _ in themselves

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They see themselves F_ _ _ _ _ g before they begin

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True or False, people with low self -esteem try a lot of new things

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Why do people with low self-esteem spend a lot of time alone?

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True or Fale, People with low self esteem complain a lot

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F_ _ _ _ _ _ yourself for past mistakes

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Use positive self-_ _ _ _

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How do you improve on your abilities or things you are good at?

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learning _ _ _ things can help you find your talents!

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Personal ____________ plays a role in our self-esteem

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Self esteem involves how you feel about yourself
self-esteem includes how we feel about our families, abilities, and freinds
High and Low
they can add to or take away from it
Teachers will judje answer
Teachers will judge answer
parents, teachers, friends, counselor, relatives, etc.
yes, why?-teachers will judge answer
raise hands, helps others, asks questions,etc.
False, why?
they worry a lot, think others will judge them, etc.
True. why?
talk, thoughts,etc.

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