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Aztec Chapter 7 Review
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This image is sacred to the Aztecs because it told them where to settle after 150 years of wandering

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This image is sacred to the Aztecs because it told them where to settle after 150 years of wandering

What is an Eagle on a Cactus?

It was the type of land in which the Aztecs built their empire.

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It was the type of land in which the Aztecs built their empire.

What is a Swamp?

The foundation of the Aztec belief was that their gods needed this to survive.

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The foundation of the Aztec belief was that their gods needed this to survive.

What is blood?

The city of Tenochtitlan was divided into this many sections representing the sections of the world.

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The city of Tenochtitlan was divided into this many sections representing the sections of the world.

What is 4?

Means to have many gods.

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Means to have many gods.

What is polythiestic?

Aztecs shaped their temples like these which they thought were gateways to the spirit world

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Aztecs shaped their temples like these which they thought were gateways to the spirit world

What are mountains?

Though they protected the Aztecs from invaders the mountains caused this disaster.

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Though they protected the Aztecs from invaders the mountains caused this disaster.

What are floods?

Tenochtitlan was built on one of these which made it easy to protect them from their enemies.

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Tenochtitlan was built on one of these which made it easy to protect them from their enemies.

What is a Lake?

The aztecs created 3 of these to connect to the mainland.

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The aztecs created 3 of these to connect to the mainland.

What are causeways?

These type of beans were also used as currency, a form of money.

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These type of beans were also used as currency, a form of money.

What are cocoa?

To prevent flash floods from the mountains Aztecs created this.

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To prevent flash floods from the mountains Aztecs created this.

What are Dams?

To feed their growing empire, The Aztecs used these to “grow land”.

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To feed their growing empire, The Aztecs used these to “grow land”.

What are Chinampas?

This modern day city (home to 20 million) is now sinking because they drained the lake of texcoco.

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This modern day city (home to 20 million) is now sinking because they drained the lake of texcoco.

What is Mexico?

Because of the nature of their city, these were used to transport goods.

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Because of the nature of their city, these were used to transport goods.

What are canoes?

The spiritual calendar of the Aztecs was used to tell them when to do this activity.

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The spiritual calendar of the Aztecs was used to tell them when to do this activity.

What is Sacrifice?

This god of rain could cause floods if not appeased.


Tlaloc Cover

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This god of rain could cause floods if not appeased.


Tlaloc Cover

What is Taloc?

It took this many years for the two calendars of the Aztecs to synch up.

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It took this many years for the two calendars of the Aztecs to synch up.

What is 52?  The year of the new fire sacrifce.

To feed their growing population the aztecs created these networks with their neighbors.

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To feed their growing population the aztecs created these networks with their neighbors.

What is Trade?

Word that describes Aztec military services (means that everyone must contribute.)

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Word that describes Aztec military services (means that everyone must contribute.)

What is Conscription?

This was the main weapon ofthe Aztecs.


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This was the main weapon ofthe Aztecs.


What is the War Club?

The worst insult for an Aztec was to be called one of these.

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The worst insult for an Aztec was to be called one of these.

What is a coward?

Because they conqured and demanded tribute from other people, the Aztecs were one of these.

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Because they conqured and demanded tribute from other people, the Aztecs were one of these.

What is an empire?

The Aztecs believed that they were living in the world of the ____________ sun that would be destroyed by ________________.

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The Aztecs believed that they were living in the world of the ____________ sun that would be destroyed by ________________.

What is Fifth and Jaguars.

It was the location of the fire in the new fire ceremony.

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It was the location of the fire in the new fire ceremony.

What is in the chest of a sacrificial victum?

It is a type of source that is made by the people being studied.



File:Aztec calendar stone in National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City.jpg

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It is a type of source that is made by the people being studied.



File:Aztec calendar stone in National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City.jpg

What is primary?

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