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Civics Goal 2 Constitution
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Which amendment was placed into the Constitution in order to prevent the practice brought to the colonies by the British of placing troops into private homes?

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Which amendment was placed into the Constitution in order to prevent the practice brought to the colonies by the British of placing troops into private homes?

3rd Amendment

What is the job of the attorney general of the United States?

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What is the job of the attorney general of the United States?

Head the Department of Justice

*Bonus (10): Who is the current attorney general?

Name two of the six goals of the Constitution.

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Name two of the six goals of the Constitution.

Form a More Perfect Union

Establish Justice

Ensure Domestic Tranquility

Provide for the Common Defense

Promote the General Welfare

Secure the Blessings of Liberty

Which domestic duty is a primary responsibility of the federal government?
A creating school curriculums
B regulating interstate commerce
C issuing drivers’ licenses
D maintaining public transportation

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Which domestic duty is a primary responsibility of the federal government?
A creating school curriculums
B regulating interstate commerce
C issuing drivers’ licenses
D maintaining public transportation

B regulating interstate commerce

If a judge writes a dissenting opinion on a case, what does this mean relative to the ruling of the Supreme Court?

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If a judge writes a dissenting opinion on a case, what does this mean relative to the ruling of the Supreme Court?

It means that the judge did not agree with the ruling of the Supreme Court, and did not vote with what the majority ruled.

What length of term does each federal senator serve?


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What length of term does each federal senator serve?


6 Years


*Bonus (10) What length of term does each federal representative serve?

What are two ways the Congress can "check" the power of the president?

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What are two ways the Congress can "check" the power of the president?

Override a veto

Impeach a president (if he broke the law)

Approve his appointments to cabinet, supreme court, etc.

Use the excerpts below to answer the question.

13th Amendment
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude . . . shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

14th Amendment
All persons born or naturalized in the United States . . . are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

15th Amendment
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged . . . on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude—.

—U.S. Constitution
Which goal were these amendments meant to reinforce?
A equality of social classes
B expansion of states’ rights
C promotion of public education
D expansion of democracy

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Use the excerpts below to answer the question.

13th Amendment
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude . . . shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

14th Amendment
All persons born or naturalized in the United States . . . are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

15th Amendment
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged . . . on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude—.

—U.S. Constitution
Which goal were these amendments meant to reinforce?
A equality of social classes
B expansion of states’ rights
C promotion of public education
D expansion of democracy

D expansion of democracy

Which statement best represents support for the 2nd Amendment?
A It ensures religious freedom.
B It is necessary to avoid double jeopardy.
C It is a critical component of personal security.
D It supports an economically important industry.

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Which statement best represents support for the 2nd Amendment?
A It ensures religious freedom.
B It is necessary to avoid double jeopardy.
C It is a critical component of personal security.
D It supports an economically important industry.

C It is a critical component of personal security.

he U.S. Constitution contributes to the national identity of the United States by
A outlining a central government with an authoritative president.
B empowering citizens with the right to vote for representatives and laws.
C forming a parliamentary system and a unitary government.
D creating a simplified amendment process to reflect changing views.

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he U.S. Constitution contributes to the national identity of the United States by
A outlining a central government with an authoritative president.
B empowering citizens with the right to vote for representatives and laws.
C forming a parliamentary system and a unitary government.
D creating a simplified amendment process to reflect changing views.

B empowering citizens with the right to vote for representatives and laws.

What is the difference between delegated and reserved powers?

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What is the difference between delegated and reserved powers?

Delegated -- Things the federal government was given to do in the Constitution

Reserved -- Things the federal government doesn't do, and the states aren't prohibited by doing, meaning they are things the states have the right of doing.

What branch of government is able to declare war?

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What branch of government is able to declare war?


What is required for an Amendment to be suggested for the Constitution AND what is required for this Amendment to be APPROVED?

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What is required for an Amendment to be suggested for the Constitution AND what is required for this Amendment to be APPROVED?

2/3rds of both houses, 2/3rds of all states.

3/4ths of all state legislatures.

In 1942 the United States government required 3,000 residents of Oak Ridge, TN to sell their homes so the land they were on could be used as a military research facility.
Which constitutional provision enabled the government to take this action?
A executive authority
B due process
C eminent domain
D popular sovereignty

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In 1942 the United States government required 3,000 residents of Oak Ridge, TN to sell their homes so the land they were on could be used as a military research facility.
Which constitutional provision enabled the government to take this action?
A executive authority
B due process
C eminent domain
D popular sovereignty

C eminent domain

Which chief justice, appointed to John Adams, was responsible for increasing the authority of the Supreme Court?

*Bonus (10)

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Which chief justice, appointed to John Adams, was responsible for increasing the authority of the Supreme Court?

*Bonus (10)

John Marshall

*Bonus (10): Which court case established Judicial Review?

What is the MAIN purpose of the Supreme Court?

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What is the MAIN purpose of the Supreme Court?

Interpret the law

How many members are in the House of Representatives?

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How many members are in the House of Representatives?


Why did the Supreme Court rule these actions were constitutional under the 5th Amendment?
A The development of the land would serve a public purpose.
B The development of the property was zoned for commercial use.
C The local council had approved the program to use the land.
D The landowners were leasing the property to renters.

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Why did the Supreme Court rule these actions were constitutional under the 5th Amendment?
A The development of the land would serve a public purpose.
B The development of the property was zoned for commercial use.
C The local council had approved the program to use the land.
D The landowners were leasing the property to renters.

A The development of the land would serve a public purpose.

Which Constitutional Amendment deals with the term limits of the president?


*Bonus (10)

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Which Constitutional Amendment deals with the term limits of the president?


*Bonus (10)



*Bonus (10): What does this Amendment state?

Which court has final appellate jurisdiction for a case involving the 14th Amendment rights of a citizen?
A State Supreme Court
B Federal Appeals Court
C U.S. Supreme Court
D Federal District Court

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Which court has final appellate jurisdiction for a case involving the 14th Amendment rights of a citizen?
A State Supreme Court
B Federal Appeals Court
C U.S. Supreme Court
D Federal District Court

C U.S. Supreme Court

How many federal senators does North Carolina have?


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How many federal senators does North Carolina have?




*Bonus: Name the two senators.

What is an obligation that the president has to make once a year before both houses of Congress, and it is televised on all major networks?

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What is an obligation that the president has to make once a year before both houses of Congress, and it is televised on all major networks?

The State of the Union speech.

Use the excerpt below to answer the question.

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote . . . the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.

—17th Amendment, U.S. Constitution
How did the adoption of the 17th Amendment increase democratization in the United States?
A by increasing the power of state constitutions
B by decreasing the power of the executive branch
C by allowing for the direct election of senators
D by implementing term limits for state senators

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Use the excerpt below to answer the question.

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote . . . the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.

—17th Amendment, U.S. Constitution
How did the adoption of the 17th Amendment increase democratization in the United States?
A by increasing the power of state constitutions
B by decreasing the power of the executive branch
C by allowing for the direct election of senators
D by implementing term limits for state senators

C by allowing for the direct election of senators

What does the "Full Faith and Credit" clause state?

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What does the "Full Faith and Credit" clause state?

States should honor each other's judgements and decisions, such as driver's licenses.

Use the excerpt below to answer the question.

. . . on one hand . . . the Constitution is to be founded on the assent and ratification of the people of America, given by deputies elected for the special purpose; but, on the other, that this assent and ratification is to be given by the people, not as individuals composing one entire nation, but as composing the distinct and independent States to which they respectively belong.

—Federalist 39, James Madison, 1788
Which characteristic of the U.S. government shows the influence of this idea?


A the development of a federal system
B the application of checks and balances
C the power of the judicial branch to review laws
D the creation of a bicameral legislative branch

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Use the excerpt below to answer the question.

. . . on one hand . . . the Constitution is to be founded on the assent and ratification of the people of America, given by deputies elected for the special purpose; but, on the other, that this assent and ratification is to be given by the people, not as individuals composing one entire nation, but as composing the distinct and independent States to which they respectively belong.

—Federalist 39, James Madison, 1788
Which characteristic of the U.S. government shows the influence of this idea?


A the development of a federal system
B the application of checks and balances
C the power of the judicial branch to review laws
D the creation of a bicameral legislative branch

A the development of a federal system

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