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Factors, multiples, prime, composite
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Factors Multiples Prime or composite both factors and multiiples
5 5 5 5 5
10 10 10 10 10
15 15 15 15 15
20 20 20 20 20
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What are the factors of 24?

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What are the factors of 24?


What are the factors of 28?

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What are the factors of 28?


What are the factors of 47?

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What are the factors of 47?


What are the factors of 57?

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What are the factors of 57?


What are the factors of 100?

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What are the factors of 100?


What are the first three multiples of 6?

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What are the first three multiples of 6?


How many multiples does the number 2 have?

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How many multiples does the number 2 have?

unlimited or infinity

What is  the 7th multiple of 12?

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What is  the 7th multiple of 12?


What are the first three multiples of 30?

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What are the first three multiples of 30?


What  is the first three multiples of 75?

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What  is the first three multiples of 75?

75, 150,225

Which number below is prime?


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Which number below is prime?



What makes a number composite?

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What makes a number composite?

It has more than 2 factors.

What makes a number prime?

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What makes a number prime?

It has exactly two factors.

Is the number 1 prime or composite?

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Is the number 1 prime or composite?


Which number below is composite?

53, 57, 67, 23

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Which number below is composite?

53, 57, 67, 23


Which numbers are a factor of both 15 and 21?

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Which numbers are a factor of both 15 and 21?

1 and 3

Which number is not a mutilple of 24?

1, 24, 72,120

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Which number is not a mutilple of 24?

1, 24, 72,120


Which number is not a factor of 8?


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Which number is not a factor of 8?



What number is a multiple of both 6 and 9?

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What number is a multiple of both 6 and 9?


What number is a multiple of both 8  and 20?

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What number is a multiple of both 8  and 20?


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Write all of the factors for the number 200?

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Write all of the factors for the number 200?


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