Cambodian Genocide Jeopardy
This country where the genocide happen is located in the region of
This country where the genocide happen is located in the region of
Southeast Asia
The present day capital of Cambodia is
The present day capital of Cambodia is
Phnom Penh
Less than half the size of what state in the U.S.
Less than half the size of what state in the U.S.
Borders what country to it's west
Borders what country to it's west
Cambodia gained it's independence from what European country in 1953
Cambodia gained it's independence from what European country in 1953
Anyone in opposition must be
Anyone in opposition must be
Survival was determined by
Survival was determined by
Work Ability
Due to their inability to perform unceasing physical labor on a daily basis, these groups suffered the most casualties
Due to their inability to perform unceasing physical labor on a daily basis, these groups suffered the most casualties
Handicapped, Ill, Elderly and Children
Educated people, Buddhists, Christians are included on the list of
Educated people, Buddhists, Christians are included on the list of
'Potential Opposition'
All Cambodians were made to work as laborer in one huge federation of
All Cambodians were made to work as laborer in one huge federation of
Collective Farms
The '____ _______' guerrilla movement
The '____ _______' guerrilla movement
Khmer Rouge
Founded in the year of
Founded in the year of
Movements leader was an admirer of what Chinese communism
Movements leader was an admirer of what Chinese communism
Brought in Chinese training tactics and Viet Cong support his troops ad was soon successful in producing a formidable military force
Brought in Chinese training tactics and Viet Cong support his troops ad was soon successful in producing a formidable military force
Pol Pot
The aim was to deconstruct Cambodia back to a primitive '____ ____'
The aim was to deconstruct Cambodia back to a primitive '____ ____'
Year Zero
Cambodia lay in ruins under the newly-establishment of what country's regime
Cambodia lay in ruins under the newly-establishment of what country's regime
The amount of people that lost their lives in 'Pol Pot' time was approximately
The amount of people that lost their lives in 'Pol Pot' time was approximately
3 Million
Those who could potentially reorganize Cambodia but had been killed in the genocide were
Those who could potentially reorganize Cambodia but had been killed in the genocide were
Professionals, Engineers and Technicians
Vietnam eventually withdrew from Cambodia in what year
Vietnam eventually withdrew from Cambodia in what year
Under what Vietnamese control did Cambodia fall to
Under what Vietnamese control did Cambodia fall to
Beginning in what year were mass graves found
Beginning in what year were mass graves found
Last members of Khmer Rouge were disbanded in what year
Last members of Khmer Rouge were disbanded in what year
Pol Pot was arrested by Khmer Rouge members in what year
Pol Pot was arrested by Khmer Rouge members in what year
Pol Pot died of natural causes in what year
Pol Pot died of natural causes in what year
The trials began in November of what year and expected to end in what year
The trials began in November of what year and expected to end in what year
2007, 2010
On the opening slide of the presentation, the number the boy in the picture wore was
On the opening slide of the presentation, the number the boy in the picture wore was
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What Would You Like To Risk?
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Go To The Final Question
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