
Passive Voice 2nd Crash Answer Key

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Write sentences 1
#1 the office / clean / every day The office is cleaned every day
#2 these rooms /clean / every day? Are these rooms cleaned every day?
#3 glass / make / from sand Glass is made from sand.
#4 stamps / sell / in a post office Stamps are sold at the post office.
#5 this room / not / use / very often This room is not used vey often
Write sentences 2
#1 we / allow / to park here? Are we allowed to park here?
#2 How / this word / pronounce? How is this word pronounced?
#3 the office / clean / yesterday The office was cleaned yesterday
#4 The house / paint / last night The house was painted last night
#5 Three people /injure/ in the accident Three people were injured in the accident
Write sentences 3
#1 My bicycle / steal / a few days ago My bicycle was stolen a few days ago.
#2 When / the bridge / built? When was the bridge built?
#3 you / invite / to the party last week? Were you invited to the party last week?
#4 How / these windows/ break? How were these windows broken?
#5 I / not /wake up/ by the noise I wasn't woken up by the noise
Correct these sentences
#1 The house built 100 years ago The house was built 100 years ago.
#2 Football plays in most countries of the world Football is played in most countries of the world
#3 Why did the letter send to the wron address? Why was the letter sent to the wrong address?
#4 A garage is a place where cars repair A garage is a place where cars are repaired
#5 How many languages are speaking in Switzerland? How many languages are spoken in Switzerland?
#1 The room _________ (clean) every day The room is cleaned every day.
#2 I saw an accident yesterday. Two people ______ (take) to hospital Two people were taken to hospital
#3 Paper ___________ (make) from wood. Paper is made from wood
#4 There was a fire at the hotel last week. Two of the rooms ______ (damage) Two of the rooms were damaged
#5 Many American programmes ___________ (show) on British television Many American programmes are shown on Birtish televison
Final Question