
Game Answer Key

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Famous Inventions

This is the person who invented the electric light.

Who was Thomas Edison?


This American Founding Father discovered that lightning was electricity, and invented bifocal glasses and the Pennsylvania Stove. His picture is on the hundred dollar bill.

Who was Benjamin Franklin?


This is where paper money was invented.

What is China? - (Tang Dynasty)


This Scottish inventor invented the telephone

Who was Alexander Graham Bell?


This British scientist invented the World Wide Web.

Who is Tim Berners Lee?

Religious Icons

What is Islam?


What is Judaism?


What is Eastern Orthodox Christianity?




What is Hinduism?

Nobel Prize Winners

This 1964 winner graduated from BU and fought against racism until he was killed

Who is Martin Luther King?


This South African president ended Apartied

Who was Nelson Mandela?


This US Vice President won the prize in 2007 for his work raising awareness of global warming.

Who is Al Gore?



This Boston University professor won in 1986 for heading the US Presidents Commission on the Holocaust.

Who is Elie Weisel?


This person won the Nobel Peace Prize this year (2015)

Who is the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet?

Corporate Logos

What is Domino's Pizza?


What is Kodak?


What is British Petroleum?


What is Dreamworks?


What is Linux?

Religious Leaders

This founder of a major religion was an itinerant preacher of the world's oldest still practiced religion.

Who was Jesus Christ?


This portly figure attained enlighenment under a bodhi tree

Who was the Buddha?


This Asian divinity sits in a tree playing the flute

Who was Krishna?


This Etheopian Emperor, known as the Lion of Judea, is the diety of the Rastafarian religion.

Who is Haile Selasie?


This woman was the only female founder of an important modern religion?

Who was Mary Baker Eddy? (Christian Science)?

Final Question

How many names of English fruits can you think of in 2 minutes??