
Opioid Presentation Answer Key

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#1 This is characterized by a decrease in affect caused by excessive use? What is tolerance?
#2 Opiates effect these chemicals in the brain. What are endorphins?
#3 These are the receptors that Opioids bind to in the brain. What are opioid receptors?
#4 These type of opiates come straight from the poppy plant without having to be chemically modified. What are naturally occuring opioids?
#5 Heroin, Oxycodone, and Hydrocodone are a part of this type of opioid. What are Semi-Synthetic Opioids?
#1 What is an Opium Den?
#2 This civilization is the first ever to be recorded, and the first to documet the poppy plant. Who are the Sumarians?
#3 The invention of this device in 1853 greatly increased opiate addiction, especially among Civil War veterans. What is the hypodermic syringe?
#4 This country has had a long history of opium abuse starting in the 17th century through the 20th. What is China?
#5 The Roman and Greek god of this are frequently depicted with opium. What is sleep?
#1 Addicts that are attempting to self-medicate existing conditions are said to have? What is Comorbidity?
#2 During this period opiate use has double in person age 12+. What is 1996-2006?
#3 This country has the highest demand in the world for opium. What is the United States of America?
#4 20% of opioid users say they get it from this person. Who is their doctor?
#5 Americans consume this percentage of the worlds hydrocodone. What is 99%?
Withdrawal/ Treatment
#1 Depression, Sucidial thoughts, shaking, and drug cravings characterize this? What is physical dependence?
#2 Increased opiate use has been linked to an increase in the rate of this disease. What is HIV?
#3 This drug has been standard of detoxification for 30 years. What is Methadone?
#4 This stage of recovery is characterized by the return of normal appettite and weight gain/loss What is stage 6?
#5 Older users of opiates are more prone to this. What is bone fracture?
Opiates (Types)
#1 What is Hydocodon?
#2 What is Oxycodone?
#3 These drugs 'relieve pain without affecting consciousness.' What are Analgesic?
#4 These drugs suppress cough. What are Antitussives?
#5 Created by the company Bayer in 1989, this drug became highly abused in the twentieth century especially by Vietnam veterans What is Heroin?
Final Question
The poppy plant is also known by this scientific name What is Papaver Somniferum?