
Cry, the Beloved Country Answer Key

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Book One
#1 This person was robbed when he arrived in Johannesburg Stephen Kumalo
#2 These symbolize a new start for Gertrude and her son. Their new clothes
#3 She tells Kumalo and Msimangu that Absalom has bad friends and is stealing things. Mrs. Mkize
#4 Sorrow is better than fear because... Sorrow may enrich, while fear impoverishes.
#5 This is an example of one of the many things the 'voices' say. more/less education for blacks, separate recreation centers, better police force, pass books, completely separate areas of South Africa for each race
Book Two
#1 Arthur Jarvis idolized this man. Abraham Lincoln
#2 'Allow me a minute' Arthur Jarvis' last written words
#3 The way the judge executes a law is called... Justice
#4 The morally right thing to do is called... Just
#5 What is the significance of Peter as the name of Absalom's son? Peter in the Bible - denied Jesus, then repented AND was the 'rock' of the church, as Absalom's son's generation will be the 'rock' of South Africa
Book Three
#1 He was trying to learn Zulu Arthur's son
#2 The natives made this to give to Jarvis after his wife died A wreath
#3 The four gifts Jarvis gave to the natives Milk, an agricultural teacher, a dam, a new church
#4 The natives use these as currency Cows
#5 The very last sentence of the novel speaks of these two things the fear of bondage and the bondage of fear
#1 Violation of the rights of others Injustice
#2 To be allowed Permissible
#3 not able to hold out against or tolerate Unendurable
#4 As I walked into the funeral, the _______ procession began. Somber
#5 The ______ of the crown jewels has a very dangerous job. Warder
Historical Figures
#1 What ANC stands for African National Congress
#2 This is what happened when Alan Paton returned to South Africa, after comparing it to a Nazi state in an interview He lost his passport for ten years
#3 Nelson Mandela was this old when he became president 76
#4 Alan Paton wanted to be this when he grew up Doctor
#5 The year apartheid was legalized and Alan Paton published the novel 1948
Final Question
The direct translated meaning of the word 'apartheid' Separateness