
Genre's - Fables, Myths, Folktales, Fairytale Answer Key

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Name the Genre
#1 stories with imaginary characters such as witches, giants and elves, dragons, ogres, or fairies. Fairytale
#2 a very short story that makes an educational or cautioning point. Fable
#3 a story based on either a real or fictional person. Folktale
#4 usually a very old story that explains features of the natural world such as why the sun rises each morning, where thunder comes from, or why the ocean has waves. Myth
#5 Folktales, Fairytales, Fables and Myths are all different _______ Genres
What are the Characteristics?
#1 often begins with 'Long, long ago' or something similar. Folktale
#2 often include gods and goddesses and other supernatural characters who have the power to make unexpected things happen Myth
#3 often end with, 'And the moral of the story is . . .' Fable
#4 Usually begin with 'Once upon a time' and end with 'And they lived happily ever after.' Fairytale
#5 Which genre teaches a moral at the end? Fable
More Genre Characteristics?
#1 use animals as characters that speak and act like humans Fable
#2 have good and evil characters Fairytale
#3 have main characters with extraordinary abilities such as great strength Folktale
#4 try to answer serious questions about how things began or occurred Myth
#5 What is a story with no known author? Folktale
Name That Story Type
Examples of Stories
#1 What genre is Hansel and Gretel? Fairytale
#2 The Ant and the Grasshopper Fable
#3 Paul Bunyan (fictional lumberjack of huge size and strength) Folktale
#4 The Boy Who Cried Wolf Fable
#5 Medusa and Athena Myth
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