
Africa Unit Answer Key

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#1 One country that had colonies in Africa. Great Britian, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy or France
#2 What is imperialism? One country taking over another country.
#3 What resulted from the Berlin Conference? Dividing Africa into European colonies.
#4 Who was the founder of the Debeers diamond company? Cecil Rhodes
#5 Who were the dutch settlers of South Africa? Boers or Afrikaners
#1 Ethnic tension is also known as? Tribalism
#2 What is the movement to unite Africans around the world? Pan-Africanism
#3 Define apatheid? laws put into place to segregate the black population from the white population
#4 Who were the guerilla fighters in Kenya? Mau Mau
#5 Name the two leaders of the Pan-African movement? W.E.B. Dubois and Marcus Garvey
#1 Who was the first black president in South Africa? Nelson Mandela
#2 The gold coast was renamed ______________. Ghana
#3 What method did Jomo Kenyatta use to secure independence from the British? Passive Resistance
#4 Who was the leader of the Independence movement in Ghana? Kwame Nkrumah
#5 What year did apartheid end? 1994
Uganda and Rwanda
#1 Who is the main character of the movie 'Hotel Rwanda?' Paul Rusesabagina
#2 What are the two ethnic groups involved in the Rwandan genocide? Hutu and Tutsi
#3 Name the documentary about children soldiers. Invisible Children
#4 Who was the former hated president of Uganda? Idi Amin
#5 What group of people are being persecuted by the Uganda military coup? Acholi
#1 Aridity is the opposite of ______________. Humidity
#2 What is desertification? Expanding deserts.
#3 What is deforestation? Disappearing forests.
#4 Name three cash crops in Africa. Maize, coffee, cocoa, cotton, sesame
#5 Water based diseases increases when _________s are constructed. Dams
Final Question
Name an adaptation to reverse desertification. Aswan Dam