
Francisco's Game (he is not very creative with names) Answer Key

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lets get over poetry
#1 To a waterfowl referred to a bird that lives on seashores, what is this reference called? Apostrophe
#2 'And from my grave rose my soul, and from #!!##!!##!!##!!# rose the shadows that ate my soul, as my sins converted to the very pain in my spirit that washed up on the gates of heaven' is an example of... Hyperbole
#3 'The darkness in my soul shrieked with the thunder of a million crying men in the loss of their freedom' is an example of ... Metaphor
#4 'And in the darkness I laid, till the shining light of heaven penetrated to forever take me to the shining paradise' is an example of Paradox
#5 'And amidst my death, from the darkness rose a sword that cut through my soul, and it shredded it until there was no more existence of me but mere memories in the darkness' mind' is an example of... Personification
lets go over prose fiction
#1 'my sins went through me in a flash, as the shot from Jacks gun pierced my heart and ripped my soul, that fell to the very hands of Hades himself' in this short narration jack is the... Antagonist
#2 'I had died, then resurrected and fought the war that we eventually won', when resurrected the story portrays the... Climax
#3 'As I fought against the darkness, my blood fell to form ripples in the lake of doom, my spirit ripped from me and finished the darkness, as I fell dead, my spirit returned to my body and I freed myself from that terrible dream' is an example of... Conflict
#4 'I had fought for my life that was taken away from me, I had journeyed through the seven rivers of #!!##!!##!!##!!#, and arrived at my killers house. I knocked at his door, ready with my knife at hand. The door opened, and in his eyes I saw the fear and a will to repent of ever killing me, And with a swift motion, I rose the knife and slid my throat'. This is an example of... Irony
#5 'As my soul stood on the foot of my graveyard, I remembered the cursed night when the lord aimed for my heart and within seconds my heart bleed to form a river of blood that the lord slipped on, and fell to his own doom,, and from my graveyard i started the journey to #!!##!!##!!##!!#'. this is an example of... Flashback
literary terms in American Literature
#1 'I had traveled from europe in search of freedom to pled the darkness for one more step in life, and simply arrived in America, and hid myself from the rest of society, avoiding their pleads to join their religion' is an example of... American Individualism
#2 'My neighbors thought of me differently, I worshiped the taboo, yet they didn't intervene, they didn't care'. this is an example of... Tolerance
#3 'In the depths of #!!##!!##!!##!!#/ where everything goes/ my soul struggles for freedom/ yet the darkness gives the final ruling, that freedom for me is no more.' this is an example of a __________________________poem Free Form
#4 'While in the midst of New York, the people started to laugh and point me out, for who could stand to have sympathy to a homeless, pathetic, unworthy person like me' this is an example of... Realism
#5 'the beating of my heart slowed, my view faded, and suddenly, the beating of my heart ended, as my last word was spoken,' this is an example of... Anti-Transcendentalism
Anything Goes
#1 The words plashy, neigh, and bang belong to what figure of speech? Onomatopoeia
#2 'My painful death was like the taking a lover away from his love' is an example of... Simile
#3 'As Jacob fell, Jakel followed his path downwards, sword at hand, ready to impale Jacob, but at the last moment, Jacob reached for his sword and killed Jakel' Jacob is the... Protagonist
#4 'It was the year 1500, in the palace of Ordun, a dark, wretched place, full of foul trechery, and death lurking in every corner, The palace of death, as many called it, not only the coldest place on earth, but the gate between earth and #!!##!!##!!##!!#' this is the... Setting
#5 my time has come/ now I am done/ my life full of despair/ now has no repair. this is an example of... Rhythm
Writing Skills and something random
#1 'The rain was cold bitter and painful, as it fell like acid upon our backs' where would a coma most likely belong? Between Cold and Bitter
#2 'The dog fell down' what is this common sentence missing A period after down
#3 where is my cat. i need to take him to the doctor (correct the sentence) Capital W. Change period to question mark. Capital I. Period after doctor.
#4 'Jake fought against George, while Scarlet called for help' scarlet is a... Character
#5 wow my techer ms brown cookis the best techer in the wole school. i bet ill pass my GAHSGT (correct the sentence) Wow my teacher Ms. Brown Cook is the best teacher in the whole school. I bet I'll pass my GHSGT.
Final Question
What website did Mr. Marine suggest for scholarship search? did u join the website yet?