
The question game. Answer Key

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Nelson Mandela
#1 What is Nelson Mandela's real name? His real name is Rolihlahla.
#2 What does Rolihlahla mean? It means 'Troublemaker'.
#3 Where was he born? He was born in a tiny village called Mvezo which is in the Xhosa Nation.
#4 What is the name of the group of black people who wants freedom? The group name is the African National Congress (ANC).
#5 What did Nelson Mandela really do? Nelson Mandela is well known for making the black people equal to the white people. He assisted a group called the African National Congress (ANC). He also convinced a lot of black people to help him create a better South Africa, where everyone is equal and has freedom.
#1 Who created apartheid? Apartheid was a law created by the white people.
#2 When did apartheid started? 1948
#3 When did apartheid ended? 1994
#4 What is apartheid? Apartheid was the racial separation of the black people and the white people.
#5 Who helped apartheid stop? President de klerk helped apartheid stop as well as Nelson Mandela.
Final Question
Who is the awesome person who created this game? Charlotte Magalie Gillet