
Progressive Era Answer Key

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#1 This allowed for the popular, or direct, election of U.S. senators. 17th Amendment
#2 A cause taken by the Women's Christian Temperance Union prohibition
#3 A term used to describe a journalist who exposed government abuses and big business corruption to the readers of mass circulation magazines and newspapers muckrakers
#4 This reform governor and U.S. senator from Wisconsin made the railroad industry a major target Robert M. La Follette
#5 This progressive championed the rights of women and children by moving into a settlement house, working as the Chief Inspector of Factories of Illinois, and helping to win passage of the Illinois Factory Act? Florence Kelley
Teddy Roosevelt
#1 This legislation put forth strict cleanliness requirements for meatpackers and created the program of federal meat inspection still used today. Meat Inspection Act
#2 Roosevelt responded to this book by appointing a commission to investigate the meatpacking industry. The Jungle
#3 This was the principle that guided Roosevelt's efforts to organize water projects to transform dry wilderness areas into agricultural areas. conservation
#4 The legislation was used by Roosevelt to file 44 antitrust suits. Sherman Antitrust Act
#5 This is what Roosevelt promised that the common people would receive. Square Deal
Women in Public Life
#1 This amendment granted women the right to vote. 19th Amendment
#2 This movement was given new strength by a growing number of college educated women Suffrage movement
#3 What hastened the passage of woman's right to vote? World War I
#4 An advocate for improving the lives of women and children that helped win the Illinois Factory Act Florence Kelley
#5 NAWSA acronym stood for National American Woman Suffrage Association
#1 Roosevelt's successor was William Howard Taft
#2 President Taft could not unify this party The Republican Party
#3 The Progressive Party later became known as this Party and was led by Teddy Roosevelt The Bull Moose Party
#4 Tafts' support of this House Speaker split the Republican Party Joseph Cannon
#5 He was the head of the US Forest Service under Roosevelt, but was fired by Taft for disagreeing with Richard Ballinger Gifford Pinchot
#1 The primary motivation for passing this Amendment was to replace revenue lost by repealing high tariffs 16th Amendment
#2 This was intended as a replacement to provide revenue for the federal government, once high tariffs were repealed income tax
#3 This was one of the most imprtant of Wilson's achievements and continues to serve as the basis for the nation's bankin system Federal Reserve System
#4 This agency was given the power to investigate unfair business practices and to investigate possible violations of regulatory statutes Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
#5 This act prohibited corporations from acquiring the stock of another if doing so would create a monopoly Clayton Antitrust Act
Final Question
After campaigning on a platform of lowering tariffs, President Taft angered progressive supporters by signing this bill The Payne-Aldrich Tariff