
Weather, Erosion, and Deposition Answer Key

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#1 _________ is the breaking down of rocks. Weathering
#2 _________is the transport of weathered rock. Erosion
#3 A rock can break down when minerals in the rock are changed chemically. This is called _________________. Chemical Weathering
#4 Layers of soil are called _________________. Horizons
#5 _____________is the dropping off of weathered rock. Deposition
Physical Weathering
#1 True or False: Physical weathering causes rocks to change size and shape. True
#2 There are 4 causes of physical weathering. What has caused this rock to crack? Freezing and thawing (Water enters the small cracks in rocks, freezes, and then expands. This causes the cracks to widen.)
#3 There are 4 causes of physical weathering. What has caused Half Dome's layers to peel off like the layers of an onion? Exfoliation (Layers of heavy rock wear away. You can see many layers of the rock.)
#4 There are 4 causes of physical weathering. What caused this sidewalk to break apart? Plants or roots (A tree's roots force their way in rock. The roots grow, and the cracks widen and break the rock apart.)
#5 There are 4 causes of physical weathering. What caused this rock arch to form? Abrasion (Winds carry bits of sand that break apart the soft part of rocks.)
Chemical Weathering
#1 True or False: Chemical weathering is caused by freezing and thawing, exfoliation, abrasion, or plants. FALSE. Chemical weathering occurs when the minerals in rocks chemically react with oxygen, acids, or carbon dioxide.
#2 There are 3 causes of chemical weathering. Water and ________ mixed to create rust on this rock. Oxygen (Oxygen + Water + Iron = Rust)
#3 There are 3 causes of chemical weathering. Water and _______ gas form carbonic acid which caused this limestone cave to form. Carbon dioxide (Carbonic acid forms when carbon dioxide and rain water mix together. It reacts with minerals in rocks.)
#4 There are 3 causes of chemical weathering: Decaying plants put ________ in soil. This causes rocks to break down and look like this: Acids (Water soaking into soil disssolves acids that react with the minerals in rocks.)
#5 How is chemical weathering different than physical weathering? Chemical weathering changes the minerals that make up a rock. Physical weathering does not-- it only changes the shape and size of rocks.
Erosion and Deposition
Final Question