
Chapter 19 Africa Answer Key

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Africa part A
#1 What was the Berlin conference? A conference of 14 European nations held in 1884-1885 in Berlin THAT DIVIDED AFRICA.
#2 What are the Ashanti? a people who live in what is now Ghana, and are known for their colorful weaving of kente cloth.
#3 Who is mobutu Sese Seko? The leader of the DRC after it gained independence.
#4 What is a system that uses lineages to govern members? A stateless society
#5 What is apartheid? A policy in South Africa that called for the separation of races.
Africa part B
#1 What is the term used to describe a disease affecting a large population over a wide geographic area? panndemic
#2 Who was responsible for opening the interior of Africa for European trade? King Leopold II
#3 Who was the leader of the African National Congress? Nelson Mandela
#4 What was Carthage? A great ancient Empire of Africa.
#5 What type of art influenced Pablo Picaso? Fang sculpture
Africa part C
#1 Which African culture places a high value on wooden stools? The Ashanti (thrones for kings)
#2 What is the largest cultural and religious influence in Northern Africa? Islam
#3 Which empire thrived on the gold trade in southern Africa? Great Zimbabwe
#4 What movement of people helped to bring a sense of unity of language to much of Africa? Bantu migrations
#5 How did East Africa's location help it to become a major international trading center? its location on the Red Sea and Indian Ocean gave it easy access to trade routes in Asia
Africa part D
#1 How did Islam become the biggest influence in Northern Africa? The Muslims invaded NA in 750 AD
#2 How have women's roles in North Africa changed over time? They have gotten more professional and career opportunities outside the home and have made social progress.
#3 What are the similarities and differences among the three West African kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai? All three thrived on the gold-and-salt trade, but Songhai was larger than the other two.
#4 What are some problems faced by West African economies? They have poor infrastructure, political instability, and export too many raw materials.
#5 What are some problems facing education in Central Africa? A shortage of teachers, a high dropout rate, and few secondary schools
#1 What is the capital of Algeria? Algiers
#2 What is the capital of Somalia? Mogadishu
#3 What is the capital of Nigeria? Abuja
#4 What is the capital of Kenya? Nairobi
#5 What is the capital of Ghana? Accra
Final Question
What long term impact did the Berlin Conference have on Africa? It set the stage for ethnic battles and civil wars, because it divided Africa without regard to geography and ethnic divisions.