
diphthong review Answer Key

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oi / oy
#1 Another name for dirt soil
#2 Objects that children like to play with toys
#3 Miss Platz listens to singing _______ all day. voices
#4 The king and queen are part of the ________ family. royal
#5 Inside the _______ the diver found a pearl. oyster
ou / ow
#1 The white stuff needed to make a cake flour
#2 What tulips, roses and daisies are flower
#3 Another name for scream shout
#4 I prefer _________ instead of a bath shower
#5 Another name for a sofa couch
#1 Pages bound together make a book
#2 I love chocolate chip _______ cookies
#3 What I use to wash my hair shampoo
#4 The singular form of geese goose
#5 The newest member of the sport team rookie
au / aw
#1 The part of my skull that moves jaw
#2 I like to drink my pop through a ____ straw
#3 I love red ______ on my pasta sauce
#4 'Why do we have to this this?' asked the child. '_______' said the mom. because
#5 The month where we return to school August
Final Question