
Progressive Era Answer Key

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#1 Progressive President that formed the Bull Moose Party Who is Theodore Roosevelt
#2 Journalists who exposed corruption in business and government Who are muckrakers
#3 He won the four way presidential race of 1912 Who is Woodrow Wilson
#4 Progressive Governor of Wisconsin Who was Robert Lafollette
#5 Important leader in the women's suffrage movement Who is Susan B Anthony
#1 The 18th amendment prohibited the imporation, manufacture and sale of this What is alcohol
#2 The 19th amendment granted them the right to vote Who are women
#3 The 16th Amendment allowed Congress to tax this What is income
#4 The 17th amendment allowed people to vote directly for this group of legislators Who are US Senators
#5 This amendment was about expanding suffrage What was the 19th
#1 This law helped protect the food supply What is the Meat Inspection Act
#2 This reform allowed the people to introduce their own bills at the state level What is the Initiative
#3 This reform allowed the people to remove corrupt officials from office What is the recall
#4 This reform allowed people to nominate candidates for political office What is the direct primary
#5 This reform allowed people to approve or disaprove of laws What is the referendum
municipal, state or national
#1 Pure Food and Drug Act National
#2 Government control of utilities Municipal
#3 The Direct Primary State
#4 The Federal Reserve National
#5 National Parks National
#1 The Clayton Act created this group to police big business What is the Federal Trade Commision
#2 The Federal Reserve System was organized to reform these institutions What are banks
#3 This 1906 book by Upton Sinclair exposed the horrors of the meatpacking industry What is the Jungle
#4 He was the first environmental president Who was Teddy Roosevelt
#5 This 1890 law was intended to break up monopolies What is the Sherman Antitrust Act
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