
Evolution Jeopardy Answer Key

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Charles Darwin
#1 What ship was Darwin on? The HMS Beagle
#2 What was Darwin's job on the ship? He was the naturalist
#3 Charles Darwin wrote the book ______________ On the Origin of Species
#4 Where did Darwin see the greatest diversity of species? On the Galapagos Islands
#5 How did Darwin know that species had changed over long periods of time? He saw evidence in the fossils that species had changed
#1 What is evolution? When species change over time to be better adapted to their environment
#2 What is selective breeding? When humans choose what traits to breed for. Humans do the selecting for traits
#3 How is selective breeding similar to natural selection? Certain traits are beneficial and are selected for. These traits appear more often in the population
#4 Why do the Galapagos iguana have long claws? To hold on to the rocks better
#5 Why do the finches have differently shaped beaks on the different islands? Because the beaks adapted to be able to get the food on the island better
Natural Selection
#1 Evolution occurs through a process called ___________ Natural Selection
#2 What is natural selection? How individuals that are better adapted to the environment are more likely to survive and reproduce
#3 What 3 main factors did Darwin identify that affect natural selection? Overpopulation, Variations, and Competition
#4 How does competition work with natural selection? Organisms that are better adapted survive better
#5 Why are only traits that are controlled by genes acted upon by natural selection? Because only inherited traits can be selected for over time
Evidence for Evolution
#1 How is DNA used as evidence for evolution? The fewer differences between the DNA / proteins of 2 species, the more closely they are related
#2 What is it when many species have similar body structure? Homologous structures
#3 What does it suggest when the embryos of 2 species look very similar for only a short time before looking different? That the species are not closely related
#4 What chart is used to show the evolutionary relationships between species? A branching tree (cladogram)
#5 How are the arms of humans and bats homologous structures? They have the same arrangement of bones
Odds and Ends
#1 What is needed for a species to change? Isolation or change in environment
#2 What is a scientific theory? A well tested concept that explains a wide variety of explanations
#3 What is it when there are no more of a species alive? The species is extinct
#4 How long did it take Darwin to write his book after the HMS Beagle finished her voyage? 20 years
#5 What are 3 types of evidence for evolution? Fossils, similarities in early development, and homologous structures
Final Question