
Drivers Ed 1 Answer Key

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Signs, Symbols and Markings
#1 Color of a stop sign RED
#2 Orange signs indicate Road Construction and Maintenance
#3 Color of Highway Directions signs Green
#4 White diamond marking painted on the road way indicate Lane Restriction (i.e. HOV)
#5 Steady Yellow traffic light means light is changing from Green to Red, You must stop if safe to do so.
Pentalies and Fines
#1 MA - Minimun for driving over the Speed limit $ 50
#2 Result of not paying a parking ticket Prevented from renewing Drivers License or Registration
#3 Not responding to a traffic citation within the required time leads to Late fee and License suspention
#4 Chargeable events that count toward possible license suspension Both moving violations and accident surcharges
#5 Refusual to take a Breath test results in this Immediate license suspention
Rules of the Road
#1 Driving on the shoulder of the road is allowed 1 - When poasted. 2 - When directed by an officer
#2 At a 4-way stop (all stop signs), which vehicle has the right-of way The vehicle that has come to a full stop at the intersection first
#3 Unless otherwise posted a reasonable speedfor thickly settled or business district 30 MPH
#4 When must you yeild to pedestrians who are walking in or crossing a roadway Always
#5 Action to be taken when an emergency vehicle is coming Pull to the ride side of road and stop until emergency cehicle passes
Drugs and Alcohol
#1 BAC (Blood Aohol Content) is the meaure of Amount of unprocessed alcohol there is in your body
#2 Compared to other drivers how like is a driver under 21 likely to be involed in an accident where alcohol is a factor Twice
#3 Required penalties for operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs A fine and License suspension
#4 Penalty if convicted having an open alcoholic beverage inside your vehicle and you are 21 years of age or older $100 to $500
#5 Revocation period for operating to endanger 60 days to 1 year
#1 Person responsible for actions once Driver's Licence is issued Driver
#2 You should NOT do this if your vehicle skids Hit the Brakes
#3 Keeps you from being thrown out of the vehicle during an accident Seat Belts
#4 Leading cause of deaths for children and young adults in US Motor Vechicle crashes
#5 A good driving tip for rainey conditions Decrease speed and increase space between vehicles and others
Final Question
Headlights are required from ____ to ______ 1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise