
Frankenstein Jeopardy Answer Key

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The Novel - Random Book Facts

Who is the author of the novel and what year was the novel published?

Mary Shelley and 1818


Who does Victor Frankenstein tell his entire life story to?

Robert Walton


What handicap does the DeLacy father suffer from?



Where does Victor Frankenstein go to school?



What is Victor Frankenstein doing when we first meet him in the novel?

Drifting on an ice floe in the Artic Waters

The Creature

Who is the creature's first victim?

William Frankenstein


How long does it take Victor Frankenstein to complete the creature?

Nearly two years


SmileSmileSmile D O U B L E  J E O P A R D Y SmileSmileSmile

How many people does the creature DIRECTLY murder? Name Them.

Three; William, Henry, and Elizabeth


How does the creature show that he is capable of learning?

Being able to read and write


How does the creature know that Victor Frankenstein is his creator?

Reading Victor's notes

Victor Frankenstein

Who is Victor's best childhood friend?

Henry Clerval


What university did Victor Frankenstein attend and how old was he?

Ingolstadt and age 17


Who's murder was Victor accused of?

Henry Clerval


SmileSmileSmile D O U B L E  J E O P A R D Y SmileSmileSmile

What city was Victor Frankenstein born in?



Why does Victor destroy the nearly finished female creature?

Fear of the two creature reproducing a race of monsters

The Frankenstein Family

What are the names of Victor Frankenstein's parents?

Alphonse and Caroline


Who does the Frankenstein's adopt as a child?



What does Victor's mother dies of?

Scarlete Fever


How many brother's does Victor have? Include name(s)

Two; William and Ernest


Where do the Frankenstein Family live?


Final Question

Name a 1818 critic of the novel from the inside of the novel reviews.