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Music Jeopardy

Notes and Rests Music Symbols Music Math Time Signature The Staff
5 5 5 5 5
10 10 10 10 10
15 15 15 15 15
20 20 20 20 20
25 25 25 25 25
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What is the name of this symbol and how many beats does it get?

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What is the name of this symbol and what value does it recieve in 4/4 time? 

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Which set of notes has greater value, A or B? A)  B)

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Your team must draw a Half rest correctly on the board. 

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One whole note is equal to how many eighth notes?

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When you see this symbol,  you must play....

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What does the symbol below the notes mean? 

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What does this symbol mean? 

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What is this symbol called and what does it do to a note? 

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What is this symbol called and what does it do to a note?

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How many beats?

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How many beats?

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How many beats?     

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How Many beats?

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How Many Beats?

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What does the bottom number in a time signature tell a musician?

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What does the top note in the time signature tell a musician?

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These notes fill an entire measure in which time signature?

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How many quarter notes fit into one of these measures?

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This symbol, means which time signature?

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How Many Lines does the staff have?

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Which line on the staff does the Treble Clef circle? 

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 What is the name of the lines that separate the measures?

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What does a double bar line mean? 

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What does this symbol mean?

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Quarter rest, worth 1 beat

Eighth note, worth a half of a beat in 4/4 time. 

Trick question! They both recieve the same value. Eighth notes can either stand alone, or have a beam between them. 



Crescendo, gradually get louder

Decrescendo, gradually get softer..... shhh

It is a flat which lowers the note placed directly after

It is a natural sign which will cancel any previous accidental. 






Which note gets the beat

How many beats per measure. 




Bar Lines

It signals the end of the piece, or a significant part of the composition. 

That is a repeat sign, you play the music between the two signs again. 

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