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Prefer the old Flash template? Switch now: Unit 8 Everyday Math Jeopardy Review Flash Version

Unit 8 Everyday Math

Fraction Pictures Equivalent Fractions Will it happen? Symmetry Mystery Category
5 5 5 5 5
10 10 10 10 10
15 15 15 15 15
20 20 20 20 20
25 25 25 25 25
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Which of these shows 5/6? 



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Which of these represents 3/6?



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Draw this picture. Then, shade in 2/4 of the picture. 

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Write the fraction that is represented in this picture:

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Write the fraction represented in this picture:

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Are these fractions equivalent? Explain your answer.


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Is 2/3 equivalent to 4/6? You may use your fraction cards to help you!

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Which is LARGER: 4/5 OR 3/4? Use your fraction cards to help you! How do you know?

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I have 10 pennies. I give half of them to my sister. How many did I give her?

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There are 8 buttons. 4 of them are pink. 4 of them are green. What FRACTION of my buttons are GREEN?

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Write a sentence that is LIKELY to happen this week.

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Write down something that is IMPOSSIBLE.

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Which of these is something you can be SURE of?

  • We will have a snow day tomorrow.
  • We will have pizza for lunch.
  • The sun will go down.
  • I will fall asleep by 10pm.

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Which of these is unlikely?

  • We will have a snow day in April.
  • We will have spring break in April.
  • The weather will get warmer in April.
  • The snow will melt in April.

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Write a sentence which states something you are CERTAIN will happen.

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Does this shape have a line of symmetry? If yes, WHERE?

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Does this shape have a line of symmetry? If yes, where?


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Does this shape have a line of symmetry? If yes, where?


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Does this shape have a line of symmetry? If yes, where?

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Does this shape have a line of symmetry? If yes, where?

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Color in 1/4. 



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Shade in 2/3.


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5 people share 20 pennies equally. How many pennies does each person get?



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There are 6 birds. 2 flew away. What FRACTION of birds did NOT fly away? You may draw a picture to help you. :)

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I have 9 crayons. 3 of them are blue. What fraction of them are NOT blue? You may draw a picture to help you.

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 - They MUST be equal sizes to represent fractions. 



Yes! They BOTH cover half of the shape. 3/6=2/4

Yes, they have the same amount of space shaded in, so they are the same amount.

4/5 is LARGER THAN 3/4. 4/5 has more shaded in.

5 pennies

1/2 OR 4/8 are green

Answers may vary.


  • We will have school on Friday.
  • You will learn something new.

Answers may vary.


  • Pigs will fly.
  • I will go back in time.

The sun will go down.

We will have a snow day in April.

Answers may vary.

This image does NOT have a line of symmetry.



4 pennies

4/6 of the birds did NOT fly away.

6/9 are NOT blue.

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