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Passive Voice 2nd Crash

Write sentences 1 Write sentences 2 Write sentences 3 Correct these sentences Complete
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the office / clean / every day

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these rooms /clean / every day?

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glass / make / from sand

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stamps / sell / in a post office

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this room / not / use / very often

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we / allow / to park here?

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How / this word / pronounce?

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the office / clean / yesterday

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The house / paint / last night

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Three people /injure/ in the accident

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My bicycle / steal / a few days ago

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When / the bridge / built?

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you / invite / to the party last week?

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How / these windows/ break?

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I / not /wake up/ by the noise

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The house built 100 years ago

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Football plays in most countries of the world

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Why did the letter send to the wron address?

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A garage is a place where cars repair

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How many languages are speaking in Switzerland?

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The room _________ (clean) every day

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I saw an accident yesterday. Two people ______ (take) to hospital

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Paper ___________ (make) from wood.

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There was a fire at the hotel last week. Two of the rooms ______ (damage)

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Many American programmes ___________ (show) on British television

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The office is cleaned every day
Are these rooms cleaned every day?
Glass is made from sand.
Stamps are sold at the post office.
This room is not used vey often
Are we allowed to park here?
How is this word pronounced?
The office was cleaned yesterday
The house was painted last night
Three people were injured in the accident
My bicycle was stolen a few days ago.
When was the bridge built?
Were you invited to the party last week?
How were these windows broken?
I wasn't woken up by the noise
The house was built 100 years ago.
Football is played in most countries of the world
Why was the letter sent to the wrong address?
A garage is a place where cars are repaired
How many languages are spoken in Switzerland?
The room is cleaned every day.
Two people were taken to hospital
Paper is made from wood
Two of the rooms were damaged
Many American programmes are shown on Birtish televison

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