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Vocabulary Explorers New Netherland New York Circle Graphs
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A person that travels to unfamiliar places to find out about them.

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A place to trade products with others.

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A landowner that brought 50 settlers to the colony to live on his land.

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Being accepting of differences.

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The owner of the colony.

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Most of the explorers were trying to find this water route to Asia

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This explorer sailed the Hudson River

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This explorer was the first to discover the New World

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The first explorer to reach New York

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Why were the explorers trying to find the Northwest Passage?

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Why did the Dutch practice tolerance?

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Stuyvesant created this to make the colony stronger (2 things)

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New Netherland was a colony ruled by this country

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This explorer claimed the land around the Hudson River so that the colony could form

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How did the tenant farmers in the colony pay their rent? (2 things)

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New Netherland surrendered their colony to this country without a single shot being fired

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What colony formed because the Duke of York gave part of his colony away?

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New York City was once named this

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When Peter Stuyvesant saw the English warships, what did he want to do?

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Why did New Netherlands surrender to the English without a fight?

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a circle graph tells you this

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Based on the graph, what method of travelling to school is done the least amount?

Methods of Travelling Pie Graph

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Based on the graph, how many people take a bus or car to school?

Methods of Travelling Pie Graph

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If your favorite sport was soccer, which label in the graph would represent that sport?

Favorite Sport Graph

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True/False: More people like sausage toppings on their pizza than supreme toppings.Favorite Pizza Topping

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Trading Post




Northwest Passage

Henry Hudson

Christopher Columbus

Giovanni da Verrazano

They thought it would make them wealthy

to prevent colonists from fighting

fire safety laws and a police force

Holland (The Dutch)

Henry Hudson

cash or crops

the English

New Jersey

New Amsterdam


they thought they were more powerful

a whole amount and its parts





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