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Progressive President that formed the Bull Moose Party

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Journalists who exposed corruption in business and government

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He won the four way presidential race of 1912

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Progressive Governor of Wisconsin

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Important leader in the women's suffrage movement

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The 18th amendment prohibited the imporation, manufacture and sale of this

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The 19th amendment granted them the right to vote

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The 16th Amendment allowed Congress to tax this

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The 17th amendment allowed people to vote directly for this group of legislators

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This amendment was about expanding suffrage

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This law helped protect the food supply

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This reform allowed the people to introduce their own bills at the state level

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This reform allowed the people to remove corrupt officials from office

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This reform allowed people to nominate candidates for political office

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This reform allowed people to approve or disaprove of laws

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Pure Food and Drug Act

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Government control of utilities

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The Direct Primary

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The Federal Reserve

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National Parks

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The Clayton Act created this group to police big business

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The Federal Reserve System was organized to reform these institutions

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This 1906 book by Upton Sinclair exposed the horrors of the meatpacking industry

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He was the first environmental president

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This 1890 law was intended to break up monopolies

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Who is Theodore Roosevelt
Who are muckrakers
Who is Woodrow Wilson
Who was Robert Lafollette
Who is Susan B Anthony
What is alcohol
Who are women
What is income
Who are US Senators
What was the 19th
What is the Meat Inspection Act
What is the Initiative
What is the recall
What is the direct primary
What is the referendum
What is the Federal Trade Commision
What are banks
What is the Jungle
Who was Teddy Roosevelt
What is the Sherman Antitrust Act

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