Instant Jeopardy Review is designed for live play with up to ten individuals or teams. Teams choose a question, then try to give the best answer. Scoring is built in for each team. You can post a link to this review game using the orange game information button below. If you are the creator of this game, you can edit the game with the red edit button. Have fun!
Physical Features, Climate Zones, and Vegetation Zones
What is this landform?
This is a plain.
It is an island.
What is this landform? Use 3 adjectives to describe what you see.
This is a valley.
What is the difference between a hill and a mountain?
A hill is a mound of raised land that is smaller than a mountain.
A plateau is a large area of flat land that is raised higher than the land around it.
What is this body of water?
It is a lake.
This is a river.
This is an ocean.
What are the four oceans?
Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Indian Ocean
Arctic Ocean
This is a delta. A delta is low, water land that is formed at the mouth of a river.
What is a vegetation zone?
A vegetation zone are certain areas that have certain plant life.
Which vegetation zone is this a picture of?
This is a picture of an ice cap
Which vegetation zone is this?
This is a desert.
This is the coniferous forest zone
How are cactus able to grow in the desert?
Cactus are able to grow in the desert because they do not need a lot of water. There is little precipitation in the desert.
What is the definition of climate?
Climate means long weather pattern of a certain place.
What affects climate?
a) location
b) animals
c) vegetation
d) landforms
LOCATION affects climate.
What does precipitation mean?
Precipitation means rain or snow
Open your book to page 31. How many different climate zones does Australia have? What are they?
Australia has 7 climate zones.
1. Marine west coast
2. Mediterranean
3. Humid subtropical
4. Semiarid
5. Arid
6. Tropical wet and dry
7. Tropical wet
What is the difference between climate and vegetation?
Climate = weather
Vegetation = plants
Why do we use a compass? Draw a compass.
We use a compass for direction.
What is the name of this continent?
North America.
What is the relative location of Brazil?
Brail is _________________ of _____________________
What is the absolute location of Lima?
12° S, 77° W
Is this a peninsula or an island?
This is a peninsula.