Ex, e, or ef as in Exit
Ex, e, or ef as in Exit
"Out, from, removal, completely."
Extra or extro, as in Extraterrestrial
Extra or extro, as in Extraterrestrial
Eu as in Euphony
Eu as in Euphony
"Good, well, normal"
Endo or ento as in Endothermic
Endo or ento as in Endothermic
"Within, inner."
Epi, as in Epiphany
Epi, as in Epiphany
"Upon, onto, in addition to."
RAS to scrape
CLIV Slope
ATRI Entrance Hall or Room
OVI Egg GERM sprout, bud, germ
Sub under, up from under, somewhat CINGulum to bind or to gird
TRI 3 BRACTEate thin plate
Retro backward, behind PULSion to push, drive, beat
FRONTO forehead, front NASal nose
A common joke in Latin, this BASE is where you store a sword.
A common joke in Latin, this BASE is where you store a sword.
VAGIN (vagina), meaning "sheath."
If someone asks you to denude yourself, what are they asking you to do?
If someone asks you to denude yourself, what are they asking you to do?
Tongue papillae are so named because of their resemblance to these.
Tongue papillae are so named because of their resemblance to these.
Nipples (PAPILL)
This marks the transition from the VAGIN to the uterus proper, so-named for its shape.
This marks the transition from the VAGIN to the uterus proper, so-named for its shape.
Cervix (the base is CERVIC, meaning "neck").
This is a Latin poem. Find the "inappropriate" BASE and give its meaning.
Num te leaena montibus Libystinis
aut Scylla latrans infima inguinum parte
tam mente dura procreavit ac taetra,
ut supplicis vocem in novissimo casu
contemptam haberes, ah nimis fero corde?
This is a Latin poem. Find the "inappropriate" BASE and give its meaning.
Num te leaena montibus Libystinis
aut Scylla latrans infima inguinum parte
tam mente dura procreavit ac taetra,
ut supplicis vocem in novissimo casu
contemptam haberes, ah nimis fero corde?
Draco Malfoy's surname (last name) derives from the French mal foi, meaning "______ faith."
Draco Malfoy's surname (last name) derives from the French mal foi, meaning "______ faith."
What do you think the spell Ascendio does (that is, what do its components mean)?
What do you think the spell Ascendio does (that is, what do its components mean)?
"To climb" (to/toward a specific direction).
This spell (or BASE) twinned or paired an object, making an exact duplicate.
This spell (or BASE) twinned or paired an object, making an exact duplicate.
To remove a memory from his mind, Albus Dumbledore would touch the tip of wand to this BASE (hint: body part).
To remove a memory from his mind, Albus Dumbledore would touch the tip of wand to this BASE (hint: body part).
TEMPOR "temples"
This spell literally means "Light Body."
This spell literally means "Light Body."
This Latin word, which is an English word as well, literally means "tail."
This Latin word, which is an English word as well, literally means "tail."
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What Would You Like To Risk?
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Go To The Final Question
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