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The Mother Civilization Sumer Getting Civilized Conquests Run! Assyrians!
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Who was the first "mother civilization" of mankind?

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Who was the first "mother civilization" of mankind?


Image result for Sumer

Which empire enslaved Catel Hayuk for the first time in it's history?

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Which empire enslaved Catel Hayuk for the first time in it's history?


Image result for Assyrian warriors

Name the five large bodies of water on this map.Image result for Blank Map of Middle East

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Name the five large bodies of water on this map.Image result for Blank Map of Middle East

Black Sea, Red sea, Mediterranian, Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf

Image result for Map of Middle East

What civilization/empire is shown by this map?

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What civilization/empire is shown by this map?


Image result for Neo babylonian map

Is Jericho part of the Fertile Crescent?

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Is Jericho part of the Fertile Crescent?


Image result for Jericho on Mesopotamia Map

The need to grow large amounts of food forced the Sumerians to do things in new ways or create many important__________________________________?

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The need to grow large amounts of food forced the Sumerians to do things in new ways or create many important__________________________________?

Innovations or inventions.

Circa, what year did Sumer become a civilization with many city-states?

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Circa, what year did Sumer become a civilization with many city-states?

3,000 B.C.

What is it called when a large job is split up to make it easier to do?

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What is it called when a large job is split up to make it easier to do?

Division of Labor

Image result for Sumer Division of Labor


What was the standard of Ur?

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What was the standard of Ur?

This! A picture/mosaic of a victorious king and the levels of his society!


Image result for Sumer Division of Labor

List six inventions of Sumer.

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List six inventions of Sumer.

Wheeled carts




store houses








Image result for Sumer inventions

What was an "En" and what where its's powers?

Image result for En from Mesopotamia

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What was an "En" and what where its's powers?

Image result for En from Mesopotamia

King of Sumer and he led the army, religion and public events. Women were not permitted to do any of that.

Image result for King of Sumer


Who ran Sumer's government as non-elected officials? Spelling counts!

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Who ran Sumer's government as non-elected officials? Spelling counts!

A Bureaucracy

Image result for Sumerian Government Officials

To help keep track of crop surpluses and taxes the Sumerians invented this system of improved pictographs called _________________________________.

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To help keep track of crop surpluses and taxes the Sumerians invented this system of improved pictographs called _________________________________.


Image result for Cunieform

What were the divisions in Sumerian Society called?___________________.

Name them.

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What were the divisions in Sumerian Society called?___________________.

Name them.

Classes. Unskilled or Slave, Middle( Preists soldiers,traders and farmers) and Ruling.

Image result for Classes of Sumer

Hammurabi's Code had many many were there? Additionally, what was the overall-guiding principle for writing laws down for the first time ever?


Image result for Hammmurabbi's Code

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Hammurabi's Code had many many were there? Additionally, what was the overall-guiding principle for writing laws down for the first time ever?


Image result for Hammmurabbi's Code

282 (ruthless laws)To bring peace and Justice to all.

Image result for Hammmurabbi's Code

What leader from Central Mesopotamia invaded and conquered the Sumerian Civilazation?

Image result for Sargon the Great Army

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What leader from Central Mesopotamia invaded and conquered the Sumerian Civilazation?

Image result for Sargon the Great Army

Sargon......The Great!

Image result for Sargon of Akkad

How did the Akkadian Empire get it's name?

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How did the Akkadian Empire get it's name?

Sargon's home city of Akkad was it's capital.

What great first ruler of the Amorites, based in old Babylon, created rules for his centralized government called The:____________________________________?

Image result for Amorites leader

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What great first ruler of the Amorites, based in old Babylon, created rules for his centralized government called The:____________________________________?

Image result for Amorites leader

The Code of Hammurabi

Image result for Amorites code

When was Mesopotamia was conquered by two different invading mountain-based groups of invaders at the same time...which group controlled the Northern part, and which group the southern portion?

Image result for Kassites Battle

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When was Mesopotamia was conquered by two different invading mountain-based groups of invaders at the same time...which group controlled the Northern part, and which group the southern portion?

Image result for Kassites Battle

Image result for Hittite WarriorHittites the Northern;


Kassites the Southern.Image result for Kassite Warrior

From 3200 B.C. to 500 B.C. list the empires of Mesopotamia in their proper chronlogigical order from first to most recent or last.

Image result for blank timelines

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From 3200 B.C. to 500 B.C. list the empires of Mesopotamia in their proper chronlogigical order from first to most recent or last.

Image result for blank timelines


Image result for Assyrians

Who taught the assyrian army how to fight wars?

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Who taught the assyrian army how to fight wars?


What Assyrian king took his Hittite trained army to invade ancient Israel and conquer 40 cities and take 200,000 slaves?

Image result for Assyrian King Sennacherib

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What Assyrian king took his Hittite trained army to invade ancient Israel and conquer 40 cities and take 200,000 slaves?

Image result for Assyrian King Sennacherib


Image result for Assyrian King Sennacherib


How did Assyrians improve chariots to win battles? Name three improvements.

Image result for Assyrian King Sennacherib

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How did Assyrians improve chariots to win battles? Name three improvements.

Image result for Assyrian King Sennacherib

Driver had passenger like an archer. Drove at full speed. Added bridles to control horses.

Wheels had bronze/metal support...drove at top speeds into battle.

Did the Assyrian Empire included: Mesopotamia, Catel Hayuk, The Fertile Crescent and____________________________.


Image result for Assassination of Sennacherib

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Did the Assyrian Empire included: Mesopotamia, Catel Hayuk, The Fertile Crescent and____________________________.


Image result for Assassination of Sennacherib

The Nile River Valley or Egypt.




What Neo-Babylonian king built The Tower of Babel and The Gardens of Babylon circa 600B.C.? And, oh must spell out his name correctly!


Image result for Palace of King Nebuchadnezzar Babylon

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What Neo-Babylonian king built The Tower of Babel and The Gardens of Babylon circa 600B.C.? And, oh must spell out his name correctly!


Image result for Palace of King Nebuchadnezzar Babylon


Image result for Tower of Babel



Use your handout to translate the correct answer of this question into cuneiform.


What city became the capital of Assyrian Empire and which king ruled it circa 700 B.C. Be careful...spelling counts!?



Tiebreaker: List all the empires that existed in Ancient Mesopotamia from 3200 BC to 500 BC (circa Years)

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Use your handout to translate the correct answer of this question into cuneiform.


What city became the capital of Assyrian Empire and which king ruled it circa 700 B.C. Be careful...spelling counts!?



Tiebreaker: List all the empires that existed in Ancient Mesopotamia from 3200 BC to 500 BC (circa Years)






Use your handout to translate the correct answer of this question into cuneiform.


What city became the capital of Sennacherib's Empire?

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