Math Jeopardy
38 minutes before 2
How many minutes before?
How many minutes before?
9 minutes before 12
42 minutes before 1
28 minutes before 5
26 minutes before 3
Estimate this: 245 + 3,356 = ?
Estimate this: 245 + 3,356 = ?
Estimate this: 462 miles driven for 3 weeks = how many miles?
Estimate this: 462 miles driven for 3 weeks = how many miles?
1,500 miles
Estimate this: Total of purchase: $3.98, $6.35, $5.59
Estimate this: Total of purchase: $3.98, $6.35, $5.59
Estimate this: 5.5 miles run per week for a month
Estimate this: 5.5 miles run per week for a month
24 miles/month
Estimate this: 9.8 miles walked every day for one week
Estimate this: 9.8 miles walked every day for one week
70 miles/week
Find an equivalent fraction for 1/2:
Find an equivalent fraction for 1/2:
Possibilities: 2/4, 3/6, 4/8, 5/10, 6/12
Change 3/4 into a fraction with 16 as a denominator:
Change 3/4 into a fraction with 16 as a denominator:
Change 12/32 into a fraction with 3 as a numerator:
Change 12/32 into a fraction with 3 as a numerator:
14/24 or 12/36 or 28/48
3/6 or 1/2
Five eights, 5/8
One half or Two fourths
8/20 or 4/10 or 2/5
4/12 = 1/3 OR 8/12 = 2/3
How much has been eaten?
How much has been eaten?
one fourth
rectangular prism
What is this?
What is this?
triangular prism
MeKenna boards half of her 16 horses at a stable for $40/day. How much does it cost a day to board each horse?
MeKenna boards half of her 16 horses at a stable for $40/day. How much does it cost a day to board each horse?
$5.00 for each horse/day
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Team 10 |
What Would You Like To Risk?
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Team 10 |
Go To The Final Question
Final Score:
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Team 10 |
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