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Substance Abuse Jeopardy
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Prescription Drugs Street Names Steroids Alcohol Street Drugs
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What are the three categories of Prescription Drugs?
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What are the three categories of Prescription Drugs?
Opioids, Depressants, Stimulants
What are three reasons people abuse Prescription Drugs?
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What are three reasons people abuse Prescription Drugs?
To “get high,” Escape school and family pressures, Low self-esteem, To be accepted by peers, To feel adult-like or sophisticated, Curiosity, Perception of low risk associated with drugs, Availability of drugs
What are two risks or signs of later drugs use?
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What are two risks or signs of later drugs use?
Association with drug abusing peers, A lack of attachment and nurturing by parents, Ineffective parenting, A caregiver who abuses drugs, Aggressive behavior, Lack of self-control, Poor classroom behavior or social skills, Academic failure
What is Prescription Drug Abuse?
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What is Prescription Drug Abuse?
Use of medications in a way other than for which they were originally prescribed or to a greater extent
What are the two main categories of Treatment?
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What are the two main categories of Treatment?
Rehab Centers, Inpatient therapy
What is not a name for marijuana?
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What is not a name for marijuana?
speed, acid, angel dust, uppers, bennies
What is STP a name for?
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What is STP a name for?
MDMA, ecstasy
What group of drugs are labeled as love drugs?
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What group of drugs are labeled as love drugs?
Are crack and snow a reference to the same drug?
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Are crack and snow a reference to the same drug?
yes, cocaine
What does it mean to 'hitch up the reindeers'?
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What does it mean to 'hitch up the reindeers'?
to inhale cocaine
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Excessive Drinking causes a ___ liver
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Excessive Drinking causes a ___ liver
Low Body Temp and Slow Breathing are signs of what Alcohol related illness?
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Low Body Temp and Slow Breathing are signs of what Alcohol related illness?
Alcohol poisoning
Alcohol is a ____ ____ depressant
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Alcohol is a ____ ____ depressant
Central Nervous
What is the nuerotransmitter in the brain associated with Black outs?
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What is the nuerotransmitter in the brain associated with Black outs?
Alcohol has a ____ effect, meaning the effects change over time
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Alcohol has a ____ effect, meaning the effects change over time
What is an overdose effect of Ecstasy?
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What is an overdose effect of Ecstasy?
cardiac arrest, electrolyte imbalance, or possible death
What are a couple effects of Cannabis?
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What are a couple effects of Cannabis?
relaxed feelings, increased appetite, altered senses, rapid emotional changes, impaired memory and/or inattentiveness
What are the four categories of street drugs?
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What are the four categories of street drugs?
narcotics, cannabis, hallucinogens and stimulants
What is a Hawker?
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What is a Hawker?
a person that goes around announcing the availability of a drug
Why was the National Red Ribbon Campaign started?
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Why was the National Red Ribbon Campaign started?
to commemorate the DEA Special Agent Enrique Camarena, who was murdered by drug traffickers.
What are the four presenters names?
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What are the four presenters names?
Cindy, Alison, Liz, Adam

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