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The Road to Revolution!

Who's Who? Colonial Resistance Term Time Misc. British Acts
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Wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence.

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Wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence.

Who is Thomas Jeffereson?

This man defended British soldiers during the Boston Massacre, an event where five colonists died when British soldiers fired into a crowd that was insulting them.

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This man defended British soldiers during the Boston Massacre, an event where five colonists died when British soldiers fired into a crowd that was insulting them.

Who is John Adams?

Delegates of the Second Continental Congress appointed this man as leader of the Continental Army.

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Delegates of the Second Continental Congress appointed this man as leader of the Continental Army.

Who is George Washington?

The writer of this pamphlet, Common Sense, believed the colonists should declare independence from Great Britain.

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The writer of this pamphlet, Common Sense, believed the colonists should declare independence from Great Britain.

Who is Thomas Paine?

This English philosopher believed the following:

  • All people have a natural right to life, liberty, and property
  • Government has a duty to protect the naturl rights of citizens
  • People have a right to rebel against a government that violates their rights
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This English philosopher believed the following:

  • All people have a natural right to life, liberty, and property
  • Government has a duty to protect the naturl rights of citizens
  • People have a right to rebel against a government that violates their rights

Who is John Locke?

This document explained why it was time for the colonists to separate from Great Britain and was sent to King George.

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This document explained why it was time for the colonists to separate from Great Britain and was sent to King George.

What is the Declaration of Independence?

True of False.  A section of the Declaration of Independence encourages King George to negotiate a peace treaty with the colonists.

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True of False.  A section of the Declaration of Independence encourages King George to negotiate a peace treaty with the colonists.

What is false.

The first military engagement between colonists and British where 73 British soldiers and 49 colonists were killed.

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The first military engagement between colonists and British where 73 British soldiers and 49 colonists were killed.

What are the battles of Lexington and Concord?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

This quotation reflects beliefs mainly derived from:

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

This quotation reflects beliefs mainly derived from:

Who is John Locke 

This group composed of delegates from the 13 colonies encouraged each colony to set up and train its own miltia.

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This group composed of delegates from the 13 colonies encouraged each colony to set up and train its own miltia.

What is the First Continental Congress?

These colonists supported independence from Great Britain.

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These colonists supported independence from Great Britain.

Who are Patriots?

This word names a group of minutement who volunteered to serve as soldiers if they were needed.

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This word names a group of minutement who volunteered to serve as soldiers if they were needed.

Who are militia or minutemen?

This word was used by Loyalists to describe the men who signed the Declaration of Independence.

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This word was used by Loyalists to describe the men who signed the Declaration of Independence.

Who are traitors?

A group of people who move to a new land but who are ruled by the government of the land from which they came from.

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A group of people who move to a new land but who are ruled by the government of the land from which they came from.

What is a colony?

This tactic was commonly used by colonists to protest British taxes.

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This tactic was commonly used by colonists to protest British taxes.

What is boycott?

These colonists supported their relationship with the crown, and did not wish to declare independence from Great Britain.

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These colonists supported their relationship with the crown, and did not wish to declare independence from Great Britain.

Who are loyalists?


True or False:  English citizens in Britain had to pay the same taxes as the colonists.

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True or False:  English citizens in Britain had to pay the same taxes as the colonists.

What is false?

This secret group of colonists was formed to protect the rights of colonists and was responsible for several rebellious actions.

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This secret group of colonists was formed to protect the rights of colonists and was responsible for several rebellious actions.

Who are the Sons of Liberty?

This document produced by the Second Continential Congress attempted to persuade King George to peacefully solve the conflict with the colonies.

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This document produced by the Second Continential Congress attempted to persuade King George to peacefully solve the conflict with the colonies.

What is the Olive Branch Petition? (olive branch symbol of peace)

The following are major effects of this:

  • The colonists no longer needed much protection from the French.
  • Native Americans were removed from the Ohio River Valley so colonists could move in.
  • British Parliment taxed the colonies to help pay off Britain's war debt.
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The following are major effects of this:

  • The colonists no longer needed much protection from the French.
  • Native Americans were removed from the Ohio River Valley so colonists could move in.
  • British Parliment taxed the colonies to help pay off Britain's war debt.

What is the French and Indian War?

This Act created a tax on legal papers, newspapers, and playing cards.

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This Act created a tax on legal papers, newspapers, and playing cards.

This Act required colonists to provide housing and beverages to British soldiers.

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This Act required colonists to provide housing and beverages to British soldiers.

What is the Quartering Act?

The Townshend Acts and Tea Act were opposed by many colonists because they were... (a famous outcry/phrase). 

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The Townshend Acts and Tea Act were opposed by many colonists because they were... (a famous outcry/phrase). 

What is "Taxation without representation!"

The Intolerable Acts united the colonies against England and were passed after this event.

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The Intolerable Acts united the colonies against England and were passed after this event.

What is the Boston Tea Party?

This law which made it illegal for colonists to settle west of the Appalachain Mountains, and made colonists angry at King George III.

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This law which made it illegal for colonists to settle west of the Appalachain Mountains, and made colonists angry at King George III.

What is the Proclamation of 1763?

The term referring to the most commonly used weapon in the Revolutionary War.

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The term referring to the most commonly used weapon in the Revolutionary War.

What is the musket?

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