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What is the name of the Arc that has a meausre greater then 180 degrees?

(the red section of the circle)

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What is the name of the Arc that has a meausre greater then 180 degrees?

(the red section of the circle)

Major Arc

What is line AB?

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What is line AB?

a Secant.

What is the distance around a circle called?

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What is the distance around a circle called?


Is line d or line r the diameter of the circle?


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Is line d or line r the diameter of the circle?



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What is the name of the Arc that has a meausre less then 180 degrees?

(the red section of the circle)

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What is the name of the Arc that has a meausre less then 180 degrees?

(the red section of the circle)

Minor Arc

Circles that share the same cen are called what?

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Circles that share the same cen are called what?

concentric circles

describe a tangent line.

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describe a tangent line.

  • goes thru point of tangency
  • perpendicualr to radius

What word describes the relationship between the circles?

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What word describes the relationship between the circles?


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What is an arc of a circle?

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What is an arc of a circle?

A section of the circumfrence?

Define this shape...title? and definiton?


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Define this shape...title? and definiton?


a circle


a round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the center).


cite: Google

Is line d or line r the radius of the circle?


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Is line d or line r the radius of the circle?



what is the arc length in this picture?

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what is the arc length in this picture?


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Define central angle.

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Define central angle.

central angle is an angle whose apex (vertex) is the center O of a circle and whose legs (sides) are radii intersecting the circle in two distinct points A and B thereby subtending an arc between those two points whose angle is (by definition) equal to that of the central angle itself.


cite: Google

what is the degree of a semi circle?

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what is the degree of a semi circle?


What is a chord?

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What is a chord?

A line that links two points on a circle or curve.

the largest circle that can be drawn inside a polygon is called what?

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the largest circle that can be drawn inside a polygon is called what?

an inscribed circle

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